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Recommend books!

Created 14th August 2015 @ 19:29

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fantasy:Magician by Feist, and the trilogy written by Hobbs
Perfume for “horror” about a perfumier making a perfume out of women
catch 50-50 if you want to laugh.

non-fiction horror: Last of the Mughals by Dalrympie.



You might like “The city & the city” by China Miéville.

It’s about a two city states that coexist in the same physical space but still being seperate from each other and an ofc a murder happens. The real appeall is the setting and how well presented it is.


UbeR |

okay so if you like fantasy series, i’ve got a few for you.

– The Stormlight Archive, starting with The Way of Kings.

Two books out so far, more to come. Follows multiple protagonists similarly to the Game of Thrones books if you’ve read those. Fleshed out characters, very nice world setting. Not that original in that there’s a big threat against the world and people plotting against eachother, but the elements are fairly original imho.

– Gentleman Bastard series, starting with The Lies of Locke Lamora.

Follows a bunch of youngish kids (i think 16ish in the first book?) without being a trashy Young Adult novel. If you like books and stories where people pull of heists (like Oceans’s Eleven) with nothing but wit and charm, you will enjoy this. Kind of medievalish setting, very likeable characters. Prepare to cry if they die.

– The Kingkiller Chronicles, starting with The Name of the Wind.
Best fantasy novel I’ve ever read. Very well-written prose, with mystery etc in the present which you will learn more about as the protagonist reluctantly shares his backstory (orphan-like child which goes to magic school and becomes a boss). worth checking out.

some other good books about people fighting against injustice with big empires etc:

– Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne, starting with The Emperor’s Blades

– Raven’s Shadow series, starting with Blood Song. (Corny titles, good books)


– The Riyria Chronlices. Six smallish books (350 pages each kinda) following two misfits that steal stuff from rich nobles, that end up in a mess thats more than they bargained for. One of the better series I’ve recently read.

– I’ve recently started The Malazan Book of the Fallen. ten books 700 pages each kinda, 3 million words. very dense, very nice. just finished third book! So if you don’t want to pick a new book every week, read this.

it’s hard to find good fantasy series, but these are worthwhile. i don’t really read standalone fantasy books, so cant comment on those.

edit: i’ll second the dude above me. China Mieville writes good books.

Perdido Street Station is a very weird fantasy book. Very original worldbuilding, very weird at first but super good. Two books follow, each set in the same world and loosely associated together.

Last edited by quell,


Dr. med.

I can also recommend Blood Song by Anthony Ryan and the Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss, they are about coming of age, but absolutely worth reading.

I would like to add The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien, especially if you enjoy Lord of the Rings. More mature than the Hobbit, a lot of this “adventure in a world that is much larger than your experiences right now” feeling. Too many names and places in the beginning for my taste, after that it becomes a way easier read though. I’d really like to see a movie made out of the book, but it seems Peter Jackson screwed up too much for that.



+1 for Kingkiller Chronicles – I can’t express just how good these are. Essentially you have a fairly unreliable narrator – a performer by upbringer – telling his version of his own living legend. The magic in this universe is very well developed – it’s treated like a science, but most people within the universe fear it. It’s filled with incredible detail, foreshadowing, lore within the universe, etc.

If you’re willing to invest a lot of time (and a decent amount of money) the Robin Hobb Realm of the Elderlings universe is really good. Three trilogies, a quadrology, and a new set being written. Fairly gritty low fantasy – e.g. in one book the protagonist gets poisoned and it affects him for the rest of his life.

Ziggy Stardust

I recommend Michael Crichton, he writes some great stuff. I think you’d like Rising Sun in particular, as it’s a crime thriller,

As for a fantasy recommendation I’d go with Steven Erikson. I recently started Gardens of the Moon. which is the first book of a series. The characters and writing style are fantastic, I encourage you to give it a go.

Ziggy Stardust

Quoted from Sim

the Robin Hobb Realm of the Elderlings universe is really good.


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