Recommend books!
Created 14th August 2015 @ 19:29
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I’m a big fan of Stephen King and generally love riveting novels with exciting twists and turns, extensive worlds and memorable characters.
Fantasy/science fiction are my most favorite genres but if there is a horror/detective that impressed you, please, do mention it.
I don’t mind if the main protagonist(s?) is a teenager but that would be a lot better if he/she was a young adult or older.
If after stating your recommendations you could also give a brief explanation of the story; why you think it’s great; why you believe I will enjoy it e.t.c., that would be neat.
P.S. As of right now I’m looking for something like a bit more mature Harry Potter with a sense of King’s realism. That would be a perfection but I’m obviously open to any other suggestions.
P.S.S. You can also write your Top 5 novels as well, I might check those out too.
Last edited by Clark,
implying you havent read it already
it’s great because you’ll enjoy it, you will enjoy it because it’s great
House of Leaves, House of Leaves, House of Leaves
and if you have time:
House of Leaves.
50 shades of grey / 50 shades darker. Great novels penetrating your emotions deeply
1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
To quote the cover of the book:
“A love story, a mystery, a fantasy, a novel of self-discovery, a dystopia to rival George Orwell’s – 1Q84 is a tremendous feat of imagination from one of our (read: Japan’s) most revered contemporary writers.”
This description is a bit exaggerated but it’s a nice novel with quite a few plot twists and intertwining stories told from different character’s viewpoints. It has quite a mysterious vibe about it while also having characters that I found memorable. It’s quite an enjoyable read so I would recommend it.
Last edited by Genmix,
I don’t know if you can get them in English but Ilkka Remes has made a bunch of good books.
Dunno if you know: ” 21st of July” from Christian von Ditfurth. Historical Fiction about WW2 can only recommend it.
I’m reading now girl with the dragon tattoo trilogy. Amazing book, takes control of you and you don’t even notice how 6 hours pass and you notice it’s almost morning.
Quoted from JMaxchill
Anything by Brandon Sanderson. Especially the Stormlight Archive series
This. Just finished Mistborn trilogy and I’d say it’s my favourite fantasy series (which is a big achievement.) Very cool magic system backed up by great characters and plot. Stormlight books are giant but worth it.
Also worth checking out books by Brent Weeks (Night Angel + Lightbringer trilogies) and Patrick Rothfuss (Name of the Wind.) Peter V Brett’s Demon Cycle books are great as well.
Quoted from JMaxchill
Anything by Brandon Sanderson. Especially the Stormlight Archive series
I only know the guy as a successor writer for The Wheel of Time which he did a fine job on. Saved.
Quoted from Genmix
1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
To quote the cover of the book:
“A love story, a mystery, a fantasy, a novel of self-discovery, a dystopia to rival George Orwell’s – 1Q84 is a tremendous feat of imagination from one of our (read: Japan’s) most revered contemporary writers.”
This description is a bit exaggerated but it’s a nice novel with quite a few plot twists and intertwining stories told from different character’s viewpoints. It has quite a mysterious vibe about it while also having characters that I found memorable. It’s quite an enjoyable read so I would recommend it.
I tried reading other Murakami’s novels because so many friends recommended them to me but I just couldn’t go past page 10 with any of them. Maybe just not my style. Although the synopsis on this one sounds promising.
Last edited by Clark,
I really like Robin Hobb’s trilogies, they’re fantasy but somehow very down-to-earth as well. I would say “exciting twists and turns, extensive worlds and memorable characters” applies pretty well to the Farseer trilogy (and the trilogies that continue on those books later, ie Tawny Man and Fitz and the Fool).
I always find it hard to describe this kind of stuff well, but from your description of what you want I’d recommend searching for some proper reviews on these books, you might enjoy them :>
“A Clockwork Orange” by Anthony Burgess
“Leonardo da Vinci, A Memory of His Childhood” by Sigmund Freud
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