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Edward SVMZI Snowden

Created 12th June 2015 @ 12:56

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(Legendary Ratehacks)

since it really doesnt look like i will make a comeback to tf2 i thought i might aswell make a nice good bye post.

First of all i want to say thank you to all the awesome teammates i had in the past
reaper,senf,destructor,will,mucka,ash,clark,thalash,thepledge,d2m,konfy,gubbins<333,sparkle,spary,natural,minimoose<3,retshock,matan lol banned idiot,fadestep,admirable<3333,t-mac,brego,tviq,poopr7an,oronoc,daleth,skeej,greg,kaidus,2motherfuckingnasty<3333,bash,gear, thy,thun, byte, cookye,zebbosai, qnx,herr_p, rising, larval extract etc etc i am sure i missed a couple of players here so thanks to you guys aswell!!!

Special mentions go out to long time friends and supporters namely ipz thanks for several season at the highest level of european tf2
Sonnyblack for being a great friend and supporter also direct link to admin staff (Keepo)
admirable for being the hero tf2 coverage deserves and badly needs and also being just an awesome guy to play with
retsh0ck for giving me the chance to actually step it up in a prem team and being an awesome guy even after you quit tf2 <3
ell for dealing with all my retarded hud requests and being a cool guy to talk to in general
THE WHOLE SUAVE SQUAD rising war mirelin ipz mike kiler4fun knoxxx numlocked sonnyblack mitsy larval for two undefeated seasons and just pure joy of playing the game at the highest possible level
mgemike for being the only player in eu tf2 i still have respect for in the game
mirelin for entertainment purposes :P
kiler4fun gymrat gymtalks etc etc also being the best scout buddy i ever had
all the usual dblmixers and people that kept the game alive just gonna name a few but obviously people like arie,sideshow,buttnose, stark etc etc
also big shoutout to AMS for making me two wonderful fragvideos

and last but not least since i dont have anything to lose in this game anymore and also the reason why this thread is called edward svmzi snowden i am willing to answer all the tf2 related questions that get asked in this thread, keep in mind that i was a longtime participant of etf2l ac admin staff and probably one of the closest people to sonnyblack so let the drama begin

and to round things up a FINAL THANK YOU to everyone ive met and didnt mention yet like the whole saints crew for example or the british circlejerk around gubbins,fribs etc etc etc

bye bye

Last edited by smziii,



How did you get so good at heavy?



What was your reason for quitting?


(Legendary Ratehacks)

having a working brain made me a good heavy

i achieved everything in tf2 i wanted besides having a sick lan team but then again whats there to win also the only team worthy (suave) died after last season



Goodbye man, hope you’ll be successful in your life as you are in tf2 :)
Noone ever quits tf2 tbh


UbeR |

Quoted from smziii

having a working brain made me a good heavy

Ah so that’s what I’ve been doing wrong the whole time


Hi, I’ve played scout for 7 seasons now and I still am not good. I have decided that the one thing holding me back is that I don’t know what sensitivity and cl_interp values premiership tier scouts use. Please will you reveal this closely guarded secret to me so i too can break through into prem 8) kappa

Good luck with everything you do in the future! And thank you for the work you did at ETF2L!


(Legendary Ratehacks)

Quoted from hrbls

Please will you reveal this closely guarded secret to me so i too can break through into prem 8)

Good luck with everything you do in the future! And thank you for the work you did at ETF2L!

when players like lupus can make it into prem then there is still hope for you



DansGame !!!! also good luck with everything :D



bye bro



Quoted from Lupus

DansGame !!!! also good luck with everything :D

ha_ha_ha am I right lupus



Goodbye <3



What should your punishment be when you inevitably return to the game, despite saying that you wouldn’t?

You need to eat like a bag of liquorice hats or something, you know?





Now Europe has a chance :3

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