Overwatch / Blizzard FPS Game
Created 14th December 2014 @ 17:15
anyone considering to play this game competitive, when its released?
cinematic trailer:
gameplay trailer:
6v6 gameplay:
It seems more like MNC than TF2
It looks like a failed Version of TF2 tbh.
Its one of those games that I will play one time and then uninstall it because it will just be terribad
mge is more fun imo
Quoted from filterboy
It looks like a failed Version of TF2 tbh.
Quoted from CHERRY
It seems more like MNC than TF2
Blizzard is going to capitalize on Valve’s ignorance and make it a proper comp game with support.
Maybe not a TF2 killer, but it will steal a huge amount of players no doubt.
EDIT: That payload gamemode is stolen straight from TF2. Kind of disgusting.
Last edited by jakeowaty,
Its got positioning based gameplay and class based gameplay. Doesn’t look to have a hugely challenging dm component. From what I’ve heard it doesn’t currently have class limits which is an issue. If it gets those it has the potential to go much further as a comp game than TF2 as Blizzard will probably push it given what they’ve done with HotS. Probably the main reason TF2 never got going in the right way is because valve never actually introduced a proper format from the start.
looks shit, but who knows, maybe it is good
Quoted from jakeowaty
EDIT: That payload gamemode is stolen straight from TF2. Kind of disgusting.
If a gamemode works, why not use it? Pushing an objective to the end of a map while the enemy team tries to prevent it is not exactly copyrighted by valve.
Found the game to fuck off to after this season finally.