all decent SMITE players
Created 18th November 2014 @ 15:27
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probably made a thread similar to this one but i’m in desperate search of skilled players
level doesn’t matter as long as your brain is working properly, kinda keen on ranked but the queue time is too long and i’d rather play a normal game with at least one functioning teammate :D
if you’re french or a “superior elite” brit, i’d rather not play with you but maybe i can make an exception if you don’t open your mouth.
contact me @ steam or add TWEEKARNmge in SMITE
Quoted from droso
add Bulle (nickname Bulleson on smite).
Quoted from TWEEKARN\
skilled players
Added, been playing for a few months and getting to know new people would be nice.
Also, with your Conquest experience, you could probably do Ranked. (Would recommend getting more Masteries first, however.)
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