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Overwatch @Blizzcon

Created 7th November 2014 @ 20:55

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Just announced at Blizzcon, teambased shooter made by Blizzard.
Looks amazing and fresh when it comes to the FPS genre, will definantly be playing this.

Speaking as a eSport, do you think this will take TF2’s spot in the game world as for the competative team based shooters? Will people here want to play this?


Beta Sign-Up at:


Last edited by Defur,



So sick

Edit: After seeing gameplay and dev. info it’s just a tf2 copy.

Last edited by Ascendary,


(ETF2L Donator)




It looks sick but tbh I don’t think it will stick 2long especially for any competitive chance. There a lot of games like it that failed already in beta

Looks like it could be fun. Doubt it’ll be in any way suitable for competitive play. Looks like Super monday night combat but without the MOBA motif. Also kinda reminds me of Brink aka. TF2 killer 2011.

Last edited by Tommy Testosterone,


Quoted from Ascendary

So sick

I like this, too. A lot.

I don’t understand why people already start ranting about how this game is another TF2 clone. So if a game has rocket launchers, sentry guns and multiple classes with different skills and weapons it’s automatically a TF2 clone? This game obviously brings in its own features and ideas, I can’t deny though that it feels like TF2 was the inspiration indeed. But this is not a bad thing.
A lot of games we play today are based on older games with the difference that these games develop their own personality/playstyle and don’t blatantly copy it from its predecessor (for example TF2 and Final Combat, THAT is a TF2 clone).

Excuse the rant, but I am a little upset how people react to this game on Youtube.
Not saying I am hyped (I had some bad experiences with that… Guild Wars 2 didn’t last long for me), but I will certainly track this game on my radar.

san alex

“It’s a team-based, 6v6 multiplayer shooter with a focus on “fun, over-the-top” characters.”

Last edited by san alex,


I can’t imagine it being good, closed it immediately when I saw levitation thing


UbeR |

I thought TF2 was fantasy / clowny as shooters could get

Guess I was wrong..



Quoted from Tommy Testosterone

Looks like it could be fun. Doubt it’ll be in any way suitable for competitive play. Looks like Super monday night combat but without the MOBA motif. Also kinda reminds me of Brink aka. TF2 killer 2011.



will there be hats
also why did they give the sniper legal wallhack



Looks like a game made for adhd kids



Way too much randomness for an FPS. Tries to bring heros with different abilities from the MOBA world and make that work as an FPS. Also, characters with melee as their primary attack type, add latency, GG. Either “WTF, I HIT HIM AND IT DIDN’T REGISTER!!” or “HOW THE FUCK DID HE HIT ME FROM THAT FAR AWAY!!”



I have a lot of faith in Blizzard to make a good game – they’ve proven themselves in the past. I just hope it’s not going to be F2P.


More looks like borderlands online than TF2 imo.
Not interested anyway. Classes in a fps is a great idea, but spell ? Hell no.

Last edited by Bathory,

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