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Youtube to acquire Twitch?

Created 19th May 2014 @ 10:34

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It hasn’t been confirmed by Youtube or Twitch officially as of yet, but Variety is not some random blog – they’ve been trustworthy so far.

On one hand, Twitch has been having stability issues – increasingly more often as of late. This acquisition will fund improvements to their infrastructure and user interface, if nothing else.

On the other hand, becoming a Google product means, at a bare minimum, the addition of (forced) Google+ integration and automated content ID, with all the anticonsumer joys that brings.

I’m not sure if this news should make me excited or worried about the future of streaming.



$$$ this is pretty crazy



Well apple bought beats for 3.2b which in my oppinion is stupid, so I hope if twitch is thinking about it, they should ask for more.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from raiku

Well apple bought beats for 3.2b which in my oppinion is stupid, so I hope if twitch is thinking about it, they should ask for more.

that’s like cancer merging with aids rofl



Quoted from emb

On the other hand, becoming a Google product means, at a bare minimum, the addition of (forced) Google+ integration and automated content ID, with all the anticonsumer joys that brings.

IIRC Google announced they stopped forcing the Google+ integration into just about everything, so I dont think that’ll be a thing regarding twitch.

Only time will tell how contentID management will be handled – if the deal happens, that is.



Quoted from ash

IIRC Google announced they stopped forcing the Google+ integration into just about everything, so I dont think that’ll be a thing regarding twitch.

Haven’t they already forced it into everything they could? All Google services feature a “share on G+” option for every action that can have one.

Quoted from ash

Only time will tell how contentID management will be handled – if the deal happens, that is.

If Youtube livestreams are anything to go by, content ID is no friendlier towards streams than it is towards videos.

I recall reading that the Star Citizen kickstarter anniversary party stream was automatically blocked because the people attending sung Happy Birthday – with no recordings or other music in the background – and that triggered an automatic takedown. That was hilarious and sad at the same time.

It’s not hard to imagine what this will do with streams that feature any kind of background music, or anything that sounds like music.

Last edited by emb,



“You can’t watch this stream because music is copyrighted fuck off” CAN’T FUCKING WAIT

no please please no

Last edited by snappe,



Quoted from emb


Haven’t they already forced it into everything they could? All Google services feature a “share on G+” option for every action that can have one.

I dont really care about obnoxious ‘share on’ or similar buttons, as long as I dont require a Google+ account to use that service. Which is no longer required for most of Google’s services, iirc, including YT.


Dr. med.

When I first read about it, my reaction was “noooooooooooooo”.

Well, it didn’t really change since then ;)
One thing less in the internet that might not be part of a big conglomerate. Also, it is the most promising place where gaming could go for VODs when Youtube screws up even more, considering the partnership/affiliate trouble as of late. The extremely faulty Content ID system makes it even worse.

I am not looking forward to it.


R.I.P Kappa if this happens =(

Last edited by Popcorp,

Spike Himself


Quoted from ash

Which is no longer required for most of Google’s services, iirc, including YT.

Does that mean you can now decouple the two? I am logged in @ YT but to comment on videos it says I must log in….



Quoted from Spike Himself


Does that mean you can now decouple the two? I am logged in @ YT but to comment on videos it says I must log in….


At least my accounts seem to be separate.



rip in pieces twitch BibleThump

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