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Who has the worst internet in the league?

Created 22nd February 2014 @ 12:37

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So I´ve been wondering who has overall the worst internet, because i have such a bad connection and made me wonder who else feels like smashing their router to the ground.
Next month I´m getting 4G connection which should achieve 14 Mb upload and download speeds, so i wanted to make this before i changed it.

Now in order to have the worst internet ping is not the only thing that counts.
The points ill consider are:
Ping: –
Choke: –
Loss: –
“Ping”(command in cmd windows or terminal in linux) to any domain in your country to see how many packets dont reach the domain requested.

This is my average connection: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=184322488



Quoted from M4RK

So I´ve been wondering who has overall the worst internet, because i have such a bad connection and made me wonder who else feels like smashing their router to the ground.
Next month I´m getting 4G connection which should achieve 14 Mb upload and download speeds, so i wanted to make this before i changed it.

Now in order to have the worst internet ping is not the only thing that counts.
The points ill consider are:
Ping: –
Choke: –
Loss: –
“Ping”(command in cmd windows or terminal in linux) to any domain in your country to see how many packets dont reach the domain requested.

This is my average connection: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=184322488

those are rookie numbers
back when I first started tf2 it felt like that was the norm for russian scouts


how is that bad in any way? you have 0 loss, 25+kB/s download speed and 20 choke that is more likely caused by round start than internet beeing bad


Nah man its always over 20 choke when i play and on some days i get over 40 choke and about 10 loss, making it unplayable.

Last edited by M4RK,



Pretty sure I have the worst internet

I don’t have any screenie, put playing with constant 130 ping is considered bad right?

Especially, it ALWAYS spikes to 300 ping every 10 minutes in a scrim. It sometimes even is UNPLAYABLE with CONSTANT 500 PING!

sorry, no screenie, but people who have played with me knows that I am not lying c:



I have the worst internet.


100+ is normal

And if i don`t put steam on High in process list – i will loose connection to steam/vac servers 100% of the time. This of course means that i cant have anything else running that needs some sort of internet connection. Except mumble.

And results in all my speed tests will be in kb/s … Forget about Mb/s lol

Last edited by doks,


9 ☆




Go ask kcot and the some of the people in the killswitch 6v6 team, you’ll get some nice responses regarding bad internet connections.


20 loss.


I would bet an unusual on every Georgian player if I had one.


Tetrix has the worst internet


Swi, formerly Chaplain.

Last edited by Flood,



I used to spike to 60 loss everytime i went through a choke 4 out of 5 nights a week. Froze up for 10-15 seconds whenever it happened, RIP yoyotech.

Last edited by kaidus,


I think I used to go up to 100 choke and ~300 ping back when my internet was dire. Dunno what my loss was, but I warped like a bitch.

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