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Zowie FK/AM and sensei

Created 14th July 2013 @ 16:39

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Hey guys, another mouse topic…

I have so many questions but I didnt find the correct place for it, then I remember these forums are composed mainly from people who like to have correct mice/mousepads.

I have a deathadder for like 3 years, but unfortunately i’m having issues with synapse, one button on the left is not working anymore… and the quality is good, but as a claw grip player it’s kinda tiring after hours of playing.

I bought the steelseries sensei 4 month ago, I was really disapointed. At the begining I though it was good, but again the steelseries driver is shit, sometimes it crashing ingames, sometimes my mouse go mad and I have the feeling to get extra mouse accel, so I would like to get a new mouse again. I went back to my da, but meh I’m not going for a new da.

I was looking at the Zowie FK or AM since I read alot of good feedbacks, but is the shape really different compared to the sensei? I like the sensei chape, but I feel like its more for palm grip player, like the da.

I also want to order a new mousepad, coz my qck heavy is getting old after 3 years and even washing it I feel like all the smoothness is gone. :<

Thanks In advance, and sorry for the long post/grammar mistakes and other shit!



I just switched from Sensei to Zowie FK. It is a very similiar shape mouse and size but it has a different grip so it takes some time to get used to. The Zowie FK itself feels great and performs great but if you switch from sensei there is some getting used to it.

Also the cord on the FK is very different from the sensei.



Haha Sensei


(Legendary Ratehacks)




Well I dont like the shape of the sensei nor everything about this mouse, it was kinda a waste of money honestly…



AM-GS and puretrak talent here, works like a charm.
I switched from deathadder and qck+ heavy to what I use now, it takes a while to get used to the ambidextrous (mirrored) shape but youll get used to it after a while
lalli had the g400 and then switched to the FK and he loves it
performance wise good sensor etc.. dont know what else to say



Thanks for the answer.

I’ll think i’ll get a zowie but I still not sure about which mousepad I should get. From what i’ve read its always qck/razer goliathus/puretrak talent, what makes the puretrak talent so different from a qck one? Same as the goliathus?

Why does it takes time to get used to this ambidextrous mouse? Sensei is a ambidextrous mouse too.

Talking about lalli which mousepad did he get?



I like the Zowie G-TF Speed more than the Talent in combination with the FK.



Why so? :D

I hate my qck, it’s good but i’m not gonna buy one each year (or everyone 5 month) because it’s not smooth anymore.



Quoted from redou

Why so? :D

I hate my qck, it’s good but i’m not gonna buy one each year (or everyone 5 month) because it’s not smooth anymore.

Dust + the talent not being 100% flat (just feel the surface, you feel little dimples) = tracking problems. This is because of the low LoD of the FK/AM and the surface of the talent not being the same colour.

This is what it did on some parts of my talent: http://tweakers.net/ext/f/qaveajTg0ez2WO9g3j1W5JFd/full.png (this was 10cm apart on the same mousepad).

The Zowie pad is also smoother, which I like.

Last edited by Koeitje,


Using an FK after using Xai and WMO 1.1a and I love it to bits.



Why is there so many player using the talent if there is tracking problems?

Also, konr which mousepad are you using?:D



Quoted from redou

Why is there so many player using the talent if there is tracking problems?

Also, konr which mousepad are you using?:D

If you keep the pad/mouse clean there is no problem.






Quoted from vani

AM-GS and puretrak talent here,

this combo best combo

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