RRTimer for Dota 2
Created 25th April 2013 @ 18:19
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I’ve created a Quake-like timer system, based on (a metric shit ton of) config files, for easy indication of Rosh/rune spawn times.
From the readme:
==Setup manual==
1. Extract the ‘timer’ directory into your […]/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg folder.
2. Add the following lines to your autoexec.cfg:
bind kp_multiply “exec timer/rosh.cfg” // keypad’s asterisk, used to (re)set Roshan timer
bind kp_minus “exec timer/rune.cfg” // keypad’s minus, used to (re)set rune’s timer
…and you’re done.
==Usage manual==
1. Reset the timer by pressing one of the keys mentioned before.
2. Type in the time using your keypad:
a. four digits to specify the time when Roshan spawns
b. three digits, beginning with either 0 or 1, to specify how much time is left before the next rune spawns.
3. If the last Rosh time’s been specified, you can use your Roshan announcement key (kp_plus – plus on the keypad – by default) to repeat the time in the team chat.
For Roshan’s timer, pressing 0 after resetting it triggers ‘Roshan spawned!’ message in team chat. In case of the rune’s timer, pressing zero three times has similar effect.
‘Light-weight’: [Link]
Developer: [Link]
Here’s the catch: by default, to my knowledge, Source does not supply any way to draw things locally on the screen using console commands, so there’s no way to visually indicate which digits you have entered so far. To work around that limitation, you can use the ‘developer 1’ command, which basically spills everything appearing in the console to your top left corner of the screen during the game. Each config file has an echo command attached as its header, specifying which config file (and ultimately, which digits) has been entered (have been buffered), and that echo will appear there. The Developer version of the package makes use of that command, making it easier to notice a mistake when you misclick.
Source, with goodies, available in the repository. You’ll need it, along with basic understanding of bash/zsh, to change the bindings – hints are in the readme.
Comments, suggestions and pull requests are welcome.
Last edited by freshmeatt,
Uhh, why would you need a rune timer. Also seems a lot less hassle to just type the time in chat when rosh dies? :D
The quake timers were cheating like 100%. IMO same with rr and rune timer things that alert you. It gives you an advantage obviously meant to be a mechanic in the game.. Though you would need to be retarded to need to press a button to let you know how long there is left until a rune spawns or roch to respawn.. Whats even the point of this?
Last edited by dodgydogman,
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