bf4 for esports?
Created 3rd April 2013 @ 13:07
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Ahahahah, good one!
I believe it when I see it. Battlefield 3 did not even have a spectator or record function :
It’ll just be scaled down versions of what the game already is. The competitive elements of Battlefield adjusted with the game.
They started with 6-8 players in the first iteration and removed most of the vehicle components for the second. It just became a slower version of COD really with elements of realism in place of the frantic run and spray game types.
I don’t see it standing up to the major competitors in the field though. MOBAs have a peculiar attraction I cannot understand and fps games cant touch it.
Also Battlefield has been shit since 2142.
Quoted from Henghast
Also Battlefield has been shit since 2142.
Beer for this guy.
Quoted from Henghast
MOBAs have a peculiar attraction I cannot understand and fps games cant touch it.
Fancy a discussion about it?
Quoted from CanFo
Vanilla and Vietnam are already vintage, they were amazing, but one should give the credit where it’s due. Dice made a really amazing job with BF2, following it up with 2142 later on, and the series should’ve either died there or steadily developped and evolved instead of jumpstarting it into 2012 filled up with worked up dads, slowly learning about the magic of gaming, and their 12 year old kids who all just want to pew pew and grew up with CoD and the likes.
BF4 will probably be just like all the other FPS’s that come out, they create a lot of noise, they get all these cool tournaments for the first 3 months, the devs will praise e-sports and explain how they are going to support it and shit.
All these teams will sign up and play for those 3 months, they then realize that the game is dog shit for competitive and go back to trying to be good at a game that you can earn money on.
BF2 was amazing, they should have improved on that, 2142 as the guy above said was AWESOME, BF3 is still a good game for pubbers but just terrible for anything remotely competitive.
Quoted from freshmeatt
Dice made a really amazing job with BF2
While I like some aspects of BF3 as well – but all in all I had more fun in bf2
Don’t worry guys, I can assure you we’ve got something in the works at tftv. We just can’t wait to cast Generic Brown Shooter 2013.
Arx/Beta totally sold me on BF3 as an esport, but ultimately the lack of dev support ruined it all.
Last edited by Skyride,
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