TF2 6v6 TCG!
Created 19th March 2013 @ 18:39
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Sorta kinda big update on the TCG front!
We’re working in small group of (officially) 3 people as well quite a few people having a little but sometimes very awesome input! The core three at the moment are E-Thug, smzi and me.
We would love to get community input and expand our team by one or two more people to playtest/get input/work on the cards and to make that a bit more attractive, I’d love to explain the game a bit (not all because the basics are – by the average attention span- already a lot to take in). In the just 3 days we’ve been working on this, we have made enourmous progress. We’ve gotten to a point that we have a proper system to play with and mechanics that should work in theory and we’ve gotten so far that we can start ‘beta-testing’ very, very soon.
Our goal is to have a functioning game in a physical (printed) version once i49 comes around and play it over a pint.
But onto the game: The 6v6 TCG will revolve around positioning and strategy and we focus on reducing luck elements to a bare minimum.
You always start the game with three ‘core classes’ which are the Pocket, Medic and Demo. Scouts and roamer have to be played into a ‘rollout zone’ facing down and turned on their side. Outside of the first turn it takes a turn to put them into the game.
The field has 4 zones: The aforementioned Rollout, the ‘Backfield’, ‘Extended’ and ‘Overextended’. The core classes start in the Backfield, Scouts and Roamer will be put in Extended. I’d like to point at my notes here . It will be a lot easier to know what I’m talking about when you see a drawn field. The opposing player has the same zones but mirrored, obviously, so your Extended zone counts as his Overextended zone.
A turn functions as follows. You start your turn by drawing a card, then the player whose turn it is can move up to 4 classes by one space. The defending play is allowed to move 2 classes. Then explosive damage is dealt (Soldiers and demo). Most classes have two ways of dealing damage: One is direct damage, the other spam (indicated respectively by numbers left/right next to a weapon). Direct damage can only be applied to a card aligned to your target. Spam can only be dealt to a class with one space inbetween it and your card.
After that damage has been dealt, the Scouts may move by one more space (special rule/ability for scouts) and then inflict their damage. The pocket soldier can damage in that same phase as well but not move beforehand (Special Pocket rule/ability). Then the turn ends and your opponent’s turn starts.
Classes that are defeated (had their HP drop to 0) go to a special discard pile called the ‘Respawn Room’. If a core class gets put there, you get to return it to your hand right away. A Scout or Roamer have to be drawn from it at the end of your turn but you get only one back at random. You can also use your movement turn to ‘Retreat’ a class and remove them from the current battle to save them for the next point.
Classes played from your hand go into the Rollout zone and can enter the field again in your next turn.
Since this is emulating 6v6, the ‘format’ is 5cp. You cap a point by spending a specific amount of time in your opponent’s overextended zone. ‘POINT CARDS’ indicate what point you’re playing for. If you capped a point you are allowed to play the next point (2nd in this case), same goes for last. If you cap it, you score one point and both players shuffle all cards save for the core classes into their decks and begin anew (best of three, win difference 5, till 5, we don’t know yet; testing will show).
A couple factors can influence what’s happening on the field aside from the classes and their special abilities (Scouts have increased movement, pocket attacks twice demo has enhanced spam and range, medic builds uber):
Point Cards: Changes certain factors like damage taken, maybe movement (highground).
Action Cards: Majority of cards in your deck. Includes things like Rocket Jump Cards (Movement boni at the cost of health), Double Jump (damage evasion), Medigun Heals, Uber, Sticky Traps, Uber, Hiding Spots and more.
Tool Cards: Health Kits (Healing), Resup and Ammo Crates (card drawing/searching/general utility)
Offclass cards: Don’t wanna get into these as it’s going to take a lot more time to
This is going to be a non-profit project and is purely driven by love for TF2 and card games and an eagerness to see the two combined.
As a last but not least preview for those that read the entire thing (or skipped to the bottom and HAD to click a random link):
Last edited by accless,
don’t know how good the game will be just from reading it but nice idea haha
Quoted from Sideshow
don’t know how good the game will be just from reading it but nice idea haha
We don’t know either! But we’ll do our darnest to make the game good/fun. Plus, we have plans to make the game intriguing beyond the gameplay alone. Trust me on that, you’ll see :3
Last edited by accless,
Wow, quite possibly THE nerdiest thing I’ve ever encountered…sounds frickin’ awesome to be fair!
Make it good and sell it to Valve.
I’ll take 0.1% of your earnings as payment for the idea, safe :D
You could get them signed at i49 by their respective best players from eu/usa/oz if the game is good and functional by then too.
Quoted from Monkeh
Wow, quite possibly THE nerdiest thing I’ve ever encountered…sounds frickin’ awesome to be fair!
Make it good and sell it to Valve.
I’ll take 0.1% of your earnings as payment for the idea, safe :D
Ehehe, you have no idea, mate. If you dug deep enough in some 10 year old boxes I have, you’d find paint-made Pokemon cards, a Paper Mario TCG on printer paper, a Windwaker card game on cardboard and probably the remnants of a Golden Sun tabletop |D
I got experience, yo!
Last edited by accless,
Quoted from Sideshow
You could get them signed at i49 by their respective best players from eu/usa/oz if the game is good and functional by then too.
Then I steal them and build a penthouse in aspen.
Quoted from frixx
Then I steal them and build a penthouse in aspen.
My diabolical plan has been discovered!
edit: well, your plan but who reads correctly nowadays.
In any case, that would require you to come to i49, Frix, now wouldn’t it? :B
Last edited by accless,
Got card effects for pretty much everything now. We even got airshots.
Starting our closed beta now and then hopefully an open beta with a comprehensible ruleset
Last edited by accless,
Quoted from Coleman
Will there be hats?
What kind of hats?
Like Specifically. And how many can each class equip? 3 Maybe?
Dude maybe instead of rocket jump and medkit or whatever, you could have more hat cards. And instead of badlands, it could be trading servers and shit. And the game is about collecting hats and shit.
Dude top trumps with tf2 hats would totally fucking work.
Last edited by dodgydogman,
Been a month, eh?
We went through 3 different rulesets/mechanics and finally found one that actually is fun and dynamic to play, got a proper ruleset and test decks. I’d like to start doing a closed beta (for lack of a better word) soon if people are interested to playtest the game. If you’re interested, add me and once we got a good amount of people, we’ll share the rules and card sheets with you. All you’d have to do is play game game with friends and write down if there’s a way to abuse certain cards, rule loopholes and any other suggestions you think could make the game better.
And to give you a taste, here’s what what some classes from our test games look like :B
Last edited by accless,
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