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Chatlogs of Strangeness

Created 9th March 2009 @ 00:25

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Idd jonni :(



not strange but i found it damn funny. btw, don’t hate me niggles :<

[03:29:33] Niggles-i36> !add
[03:29:33] @TF2PickupBot2> Niggles-i36: There aren’t any normal spots free. If you want to be a medic, you can join the pickup by typing !medic
[03:29:34] Niggles-i36> LETS GO
[03:29:36] Niggles-i36> :DD
[03:29:41] Niggles-i36> WHAT
[03:29:43] Niggles-i36> NO


Lofty sniping on 2fort, and this happens.

[R]Nahtzee : what the fuck
superior cow : its called a headshot
[R]Nahtzee : its called headshoting a cloaked spy
[R]Nahtzee : and that’s called hax
superior cow : you werent cloaked you were me you idiot
[R]Nahtzee : stfu plz
[R]Nahtzee : go back to mario
superior cow : go back to mario?/
superior cow : wtf
[R]Nahtzee : sniper’s anyway a point and click game
[R]Nahtzee : so.. you fail..



11:59 PM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Can you tell me something?
11:59 PM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: i’m naked
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
12:00 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Why do you always get killingsprees while not recording? :(
12:00 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I’m jewish
12:00 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: cause you cheat then
12:00 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: ^ My above answer
12:00 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I’m jewish
12:00 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: OH WAIT, THAT’S YOU
12:00 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: CRAP
12:01 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I forgot what i was :(
12:03 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Sorry
12:03 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I will find someone else to whine to
12:04 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: noe!
12:04 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: whine plox
12:04 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: That’s a frist
12:04 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: *first
12:04 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: -two- amazing killingsprees i didn’t record due to raging
12:04 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: and typing retry in console
12:05 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I told LeoN i stole his turtle :D
12:05 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: oh noez..
12:05 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: he loves his turtle
12:05 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I know
12:05 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I also told him to be extra careful with his newest addition to the turtle family
12:05 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Because i’m its father
12:07 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: so it’s a turtle-human hybride?
12:07 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: oh wait. you’re naked
12:07 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: so naked-turtle-human
12:07 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I’m not human, i’m above mortal humans
12:07 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: what are you exactly?
12:07 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Naked.
12:07 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: you are THE naked?
12:08 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: THE naked.
12:08 AM – Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Right under The Mighty Jew



[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: my mousepad feels nice against my nipples!
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: oh did I say that out loud?
Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: My keyboard feels nice against mine
Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Actually i’m writing with my nipples
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: you must have big nipples
Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I’ve just trained for years
Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Black Belt in nipple-fu
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: I can make headshots with my mouse between my asscheeks
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: nipple-fu that is sick
Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: I’m norwegian, what do you expect?
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: he. i’m jewish. I have the ancient powers of the JEW!
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: a conspiracy first brought to life by jezus and the roman empire
Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: My friend refuses to teach me Jewjitsu
Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: He says i’m not jew enough :(
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: Jewjitsu is just a small part of the ancient power of the JEW
Resistansen «» FF63 the Naked: Enlighten me, Oh Mighty Jew
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: jew-robics, juice-squeezing, turning pubes into jew-gold, etc
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: we are not mere human mortals
[FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: we are the embodyment of pure religious skill



oh noe. the naked strikes back with an old chatlog!



It explains my black belt in Nipple-Fu!



[00:30] Koeitje: [00:31] @TF2PickupBot2: There are currently 2 cheaters in this pickup


[03:18:50] [@dignitasDarn] youtube directed me to michael jackson
[03:19:13] [@dignitasDarn] he is so much better than any popsinger in 2k
[03:19:40] [@TmG|dunc] yeh him and r kelly
[03:19:51] [@dignitasDarn] bah if theres someone in the world
[03:19:56] [@dignitasDarn] who has the permission to fuck children
[03:19:59] [@dignitasDarn] it would be michael jackson
[03:20:05] [@TmG|dunc] lol what the fuck you odd cunt
[03:20:08] [@dignitasappe`] haha
[03:20:18] [@dignitasDarn] he made fucking thriller
[03:20:33] [@TmG|dunc] :/
[03:20:43] [@TmG|dunc] my respect for you has just entirely disintegrated :D
[03:22:50] [@dignitasDarn] but cant deny that michael is just pretty fucking awesome as a
[03:22:51] [@dignitasDarn] wtf
[03:22:53] [@dignitasDarn] musicisit
[03:22:57] [@dignitasDarn] musicist
[03:23:01] [@dignitasDarn] help me wordnazi
[03:23:16] [@dignitasDarn] musician
[03:23:17] [@TmG|dunc] musician? :)
[03:23:21] [@dignitasDarn] YES
[03:23:50] [@dignitasappe`] Person skilled in the crafts of creating music
[03:24:00] [@TmG|dunc] yeh, sure, good musician though I don’t particularly enjoy his songs other than that late one he did for some odd reason (the one with the movie of the world dying around him)
[03:24:21] [@dignitasDarn] im not that big of a fan
[03:24:25] [@dignitasDarn] but if i had to choose
[03:24:34] [@dignitasDarn] a singer
[03:24:35] [@TmG|dunc] however I’d be inclined to say his paedophilic habits kinda outweighed his musical prowess :D
[03:24:41] [@dignitasDarn] theres no shadow of a doubt it would be michael
[03:25:08] [@dignitasDarn] Nah he prolly has donated enough money on some african village that he can fuck one fat yank kid
[03:25:12] [@dignitasDarn] balances it
[03:25:15] [@TmG|dunc] hahaha
[03:25:33] [@dignitasDarn] dont you think
[03:25:40] [@dignitasDarn] saving 10000 children, you can atleast fuck one
[03:25:42] [@dignitasDarn] LIKE WTF
[03:25:44] [@dignitasDarn] ofc you can
[03:25:58] [@TmG|dunc] hahah fucking hell for the first time in my life I’m actually speechless
[03:26:07] [+Predz] i think every1 is
[03:26:13] [@dignitasDarn] :D


Lapinou Team

Darn and children … I’m getting the chills…

[05:56] `emsi: yesterday we had phone sekss
[05:56] AtomFury: on a bus?


[19:58] impy: add up
[19:58] hadeZ: impy
[19:58] hadeZ: i am added
[19:58] hadeZ: u dope
[19:58] zE: !nominate ff_stowaway2
[19:59] zE: !nominated
[19:59] PickupBot: Position 1) ff_medieval_b3 – Position 2) ff_shutdown2 – Position 3) ff_2mesa3_classic
[19:59] zE: hm medieval
[19:59] impy: sorry everything is super green
[19:59] impy: cant see the added up
[19:59] zE: :? drugs
[20:00] impy: no
[20:00] impy: sober
[20:00] zE: :
[20:00] zE: my month budget is low cant buy them :
[20:00] impy: what
[20:00] zE: the thing
[20:01] zE: thingy thingy
[20:01] impy: what
[20:01] zE: :D
[20:01] zE: stuff that makes u see green stuff
[20:01] impy: what stuff is that
[20:01] zE: grass
[20:01] impy: marry j
[20:01] zE: noes
[20:01] zE: grass!
[20:02] impy: oh
[20:02] impy: like grass
[20:02] impy: thats outside
[20:02] zE: .D
[20:02] impy: onh the ground



20:57 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: hy ryb
20:58 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: Javaslat
magyar angol
szeretnék egy wart játszani veletek I would love a wart to play with you
Köszönjük, hogy javaslatával segíti a fordítóprogram tökéletesítését.
Ha megadja e-mail címét, javaslatára válaszolunk és regisztráljuk a javaslattevők között.

I would love a war to play with you
20:58 – dignitas/ryb :7: what? :o
20:59 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: sry
20:59 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: I would love a wart to play with you
20:59 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: i im hungary
21:00 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: is a war tomorrow?
21:00 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: ok?
21:01 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: hm?
21:01 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: play war tomorrow okey?
21:04 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: you are in him tomorrow then a 6 v 6 war?
21:05 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: oke men?
21:06 – dignitas/ryb :7: i don’t know why you want to play against us
21:06 – dignitas/ryb :7: seems pointless
21:06 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: pls…
21:07 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: we would like to play it is that it
21:07 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: :)
21:07 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: okey?
21:08 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: there is nothing bad in a dog
21:08 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: am I right?
21:08 – dignitas/ryb :7: could you explain?
21:10 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: we would like one war with you… to practise
21:10 – dignitas/ryb :7: would it really help you though?
21:11 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: most much
21:11 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: yes
21:13 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: I hope for it in him you are
21:13 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: ?
21:14 – dignitas/ryb :7: i’m in who?
21:14 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: yes
21:14 – dignitas/ryb :7: who is yes?
21:14 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: tomorrow playning?
21:15 – dignitas/ryb :7: i’m sorry, i don’t understand and i think we would win too easily :(
21:16 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: but what we would like to practise it
21:16 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: pls…
21:16 – dignitas/ryb :7: play against someone else
21:16 – dignitas/ryb :7: i really don’t think you would enjoy playing us
21:17 – (dps®) Tibi HD 4890: yeah



ryb is a proper mind washer.



Google translator makes english sound so sexual

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