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Chatlogs of Strangeness

Created 9th March 2009 @ 00:25

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MudKeeps : cook l2play without wall hacks
MudKeeps : andwait for
MudKeeps : it
[FB] The PRODUCT of a Cook : l2play without crying about people being better than you
MudKeeps : aha!
MudKeeps : theres the jackass remark
[FB] The PRODUCT of a Cook : aha! yes, I had to defend myself!
[FB] The PRODUCT of a Cook : I mean if you defend yourself you must be a jackass.
[FB] The PRODUCT of a Cook : oh wait.
MudKeeps : u mean deny ur hacking?
[FB] The PRODUCT of a Cook : yes, duh.
MudKeeps : the very fact that u know exactly where everyone is at all times
MudKeeps : shows that
[FB] The PRODUCT of a Cook : I’ve been playing on MPUK since the game started
[FB] The PRODUCT of a Cook : it shows you’re a retard
[FB] Red the High+ Spectator : wow, knowing all that on the smallest map in the game
MudKeeps : FUCK U
MudKeeps : BITVCH
[FB] The PRODUCT of a Cook : you’re being paranoid and making up excuses for dieing – it’s okay, nothing is wrong with dieing.
Player MudKeeps left the game (Disconnect by user.)

Rage, I have Huntsman Hax (HH)

Tapley ❤


(19:02:33) (@Fire5torm) GibbZ and Tapley can make babies
(19:02:37) (@Fire5torm) and Nymthae can carry it
(19:02:42) (@Fire5torm) pro bballs player
(19:02:42) (@Nymthae) fuck you
(19:02:48) (@Mrf) LOL
(19:02:50) (@Fire5torm) ^^
(19:02:53) (@Tapley) yeah that would be awesome, me and gibbz spunk in a pot
(19:03:04) (@Tapley) then pour it down nyms womb/vagina
(19:03:09) (@Fire5torm) wow
(19:03:11) (@GibbZ) OMG
(19:03:11) (@Fire5torm) just wow
(19:03:13) (@GibbZ) bad images
(19:03:13) (@GibbZ) .
(19:03:15) (@Tapley) and it’ll be like a baby lottery?
(19:03:20) (@Nymthae) it’s gonna take some convincing for me to carry my own child, nevermind your deformed brat
(19:03:22) (@Tapley) new meaning to the phrase
(19:03:24) (@Tapley) WHOS THE DADDY?



voiz: ffs ive just peed on my shoe and hands

Virus ¤ RaveK: nice going with your clan :)
Virus ¤ RaveK hat den Namen zu SJAAK POLAK SLET geändert.
eMpathy| hokka!: what you mean?
SJAAK POLAK SLET: atleast this version is succesfull
eMpathy| hokka!: what are you talking beaver :/
SJAAK POLAK SLET: lol nvm you mini hitler
eMpathy| hokka!: -.-‘ fu beaver
SJAAK POLAK SLET: mean hitler no jews for you tonight :( the republic of beavers > germany’s reich
eMpathy| hokka!: fufufufu :D
SJAAK POLAK SLET: ah so your gonna make me angry the beavers declare war!
eMpathy| hokka!: i declare your bavermother! >:3
SJAAK POLAK SLET: whats that anyway?
eMpathy| hokka!: whats what?
SJAAK POLAK SLET: bavermother
SJAAK POLAK SLET: ive got a penis you knoq
eMpathy| hokka!: SRSLY?!
SJAAK POLAK SLET: no actually kidding ive got hemroids instead of a penis and my pubic hair is just some rope i borrowed from co-beavers
eMpathy| hokka!: aha. interesting
SJAAK POLAK SLET: your wanking i just know you love my hemroids dont you you dirty swiss :)
SJAAK POLAK SLET: your such a pervert
eMpathy| hokka!: actually i dont
SJAAK POLAK SLET: denyings phase started
eMpathy| hokka!: denying phase… whats next?
eMpathy| hokka!: third one?
SJAAK POLAK SLET: prob suicide cause you cant get them
eMpathy| hokka!: how can i get another third phase? i dont like the third one.
SJAAK POLAK SLET: uhmm by giving me money and your everlasting love
eMpathy| hokka!: my everlasting love? no, sorry, i love someone else ;(
SJAAK POLAK SLET: then you shall die you backstabbing hitler :(
eMpathy| hokka!: i can haz cheezburgr?
SJAAK POLAK SLET: no you cant you rejected my plan of world domination and the beavers and hitlers are still in war! PREPARE TO DIE WITH A CHEEZBURGER ON YOUR GRAVE
eMpathy| hokka!: as long as i can has one its okay
SJAAK POLAK SLET: brb other comp hitler


Fodis like arghh u know: Seems like a great bunch.
Voiz trial/mix/merc: ye seems to
Voiz trial/mix/merc: and they have a girl though ^^ :P
Fodis like arghh u know: They even have 2 as far as I know. :D
Fodis like arghh u know: Blu3y and Troublegirl.
Voiz trial/mix/merc: ah :)
Fodis like arghh u know: So Im a bit afraid of feminism. :s
Voiz trial/mix/merc: they both added me /P
Voiz trial/mix/merc: ye :/
Voiz trial/mix/merc: support me
Voiz trial/mix/merc: ^^
Voiz trial/mix/merc: and i’m still so young :O
Fodis like arghh u know: I’ll stay on the background and whisper you such things: dont let them to make you do the washing up!
Voiz trial/mix/merc: haha :p you bastard :P

<3 you fodi :O


Maggots! Zabijają Łańcuch: whats cool in ur country?
Maggots! Zabijają Łańcuch: lol
Fodi ze Pumpkin King: The Gulyás suppe. :)
Fodi ze Pumpkin King: …and Plattensee. :D
Maggots! Zabijają Łańcuch: what?
Fodi ze Pumpkin King: The 2things that german ppl usualy know about Hungary.
Maggots! Zabijają Łańcuch: my parents hate hungary
Maggots! Zabijają Łańcuch: :(
Fodi ze Pumpkin King: Hungary hates your parents too. :s
Maggots! Zabijają Łańcuch: :D:D::D:D:D:DD
Maggots! Zabijają Łańcuch: good spit dude



|fm™| NickStaR: wanna cyber?
Smتяf#: this is epic
|fm™| NickStaR: we havnt even started yet and ur blowing ur load
Smتяf#: <.<
|fm™| NickStaR: dnt worry
|fm™| NickStaR: asl?
Smتяf#: 45/m/uk
|fm™| NickStaR: ffs too young
|fm™| NickStaR: wait a min how u no what that means
|fm™| NickStaR: dne it before?
Smتяf#: Yep like million times.
|fm™| NickStaR: ever get some
|fm™| NickStaR: decent wanking material
Smتяf#: nah :/
Smتяf#: it all fails
|fm™| NickStaR: or were they all like u
|fm™| NickStaR: old and wrinkly
Smتяf#: Haha
|fm™| NickStaR: on a serious not
|fm™| NickStaR: are u a pedofile?
|fm™| NickStaR: do u go down to the park to find some fresh ema
|fm™| NickStaR: *meat
Smتяf#: if you mean paedophile then yes. yes i am.
|fm™| NickStaR: holy shit
|fm™| NickStaR: me 2
Smتяf#: no way!
|fm™| NickStaR: wanan go down by the benches at LAN??
|fm™| NickStaR: and u no
Smتяf#: sweet. we should tag team.
|fm™| NickStaR: wow this convo just got bad
Smتяf#: Ye
|fm™| NickStaR: seriously
|fm™| NickStaR: u should be locked up
Smتяf#: Haha
|fm™| NickStaR: i wont protect u

sick mofo smurf is



Smofo: Look in the fanclub
xtala: OLIVES
* +xtala throws a head of GLaDOS at olives
* +xtala throws a pokéball at olives. Gotcha
xtala: well on my way
Smofo: got me already ?
* Smofo is now known as abraaaaa
* @abraaaaa teleports
* @abraaaaa ([email protected]) has left #obs.tf2



after seeing a person going ingame with a reference to my nickname, I somehow felt the need to confront him ..

[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: ehm
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: did I miss something?
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: …
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: what? =D
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: please do explain the name..
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: lol =D
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: it’s a tribute to your raging.
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: I rage too sometimes :o
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: and you would know that I rage, because .. ?
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: awww it’s not secret :x
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: no*
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: judging from that it shows you totally not know me at all, I’m afraid.
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: true
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: I just felt it was a cool name.
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: rofl
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: how old are you?
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: Does that really mater?
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: if it didn’t, I wouldn’t ask.
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: If you’re that upset and disturbed about it I’ll just change it
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: if I were upset and/or disturbed about it I’d abuse your fucking balls off.
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: see, that’s the kind of attitude that got your name up here
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal: <3
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: that isn’t raging however, so doesn’t explain it at all I’m afraid ..
.Psyche the Demourge Narwhal has changed their name to .Psyche the lazy ass Narwhal.
[FB] Demsii the Ragelamer: so please do answer my question :)

Alas, no response came after that..



The Narwhal Gang will win Div4e and then fold in Div3. I put 10 Pounds on that. :)

[15:57:46] (@Night^^) haha
[15:58:09] (@Night^^) was to the shops and a random chick came to me like hey how are you doin just usual chitchat and I was like who’s she
[15:58:32] (@Night^^) then after a bit of idle chatter she went on with her shopping and I recodgnised her by her ass
[15:58:54] (@Night^^) mind you that’s one nice perky ass
[16:06:20] (@Shintaz) hmm
[16:06:26] (@Shintaz) what if all your crazy stories are lies Night^^
[16:06:28] (@Shintaz) we’d never know
[16:06:38] (@Shintaz) !!
[16:06:39] (@Night^^) see thats not even a crazy story
[16:06:51] (@Shintaz) ur lying
[16:06:55] (@Night^^) crazy story would’ve been me banging her afterwards on the backroom of shop
[16:06:56] (@Shintaz) look at that defensiveness
[16:07:44] (@Shintaz) wait…
[16:07:50] (@Shintaz) so you didnt bang her in the backroom?
[16:07:53] (@Shintaz) amateur ¬¬
[16:07:57] (@Night^^) ofc I did sigh
[16:08:09] (@Night^^) while high fiving my mirror image
[16:08:13] (@Shintaz) LOL

Yet another instalment of night in idk priv channel.


damn now my nick is taken
heh :D
its just to many people on quakenet
* R3mi is now known as Ass
Off course
no one is called Ass



2:13 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: as a long time fan of TopGear (the show not the solly), I finally succomed and i’m watching TopGear australia
12:13 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: it’s so strange
12:13 AM – Psunfragga!: xD
12:13 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: aussie humor ^^
12:14 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: it feels like topgear but they sound so funny. and I feel like i’m betraying my hero clarckson
12:15 AM – Psunfragga!: clarkson ftw
12:15 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: yeah amazing guy.
12:17 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: oh noez. they talk in kW, not bhp.
12:17 AM – [FB] Jonni The Juiciest Jew: now I have to watch topgear with a calculator

Oh jonni, you sad munchkin.


omg demourge has his first fanboy =)

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