Hello everyone, NITROSE will be starting a project for the summer as there is likely to be no AFS season. The project is to bring TF2 players together who want to play in groups of 4 in Diablo 3 and make it easy to organise. Also to provide you with a great social experience which is what makes games like these so enjoyable to play (to many of us at least).

We already have a list of confirmed and unconfirmed with a lot of those on the unconfirmed list highly likely to buy the game. So, it’s early stages but I setup a blog site where we will record our playthrough and our pvp experiences (once its patched in later). We will discuss the changes in the patches and keep a record of our successes with different build variations too so we can look back at those great moments again later.

If your interested add me on steam and take a look at the newly constructed blog -> http://www.nitrose.com/d3team/ . The content there is just filler as I’m still working on the site.

Last edited by HYS,