The Well #3
Created 26th November 2010 @ 21:56
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Found it quite interesting read so I´ll follow the footsteps of JH. If more people will do this after me, there will be a book and a sitcom coming up.
Today, I’ll answer any well thought out questions with good responses. Anything is free game. ask about tf2 or whatever.
As you can see though, I have no official 6v6 experience. At all. Basically, the only thing I can help you with is how to play 2fort on pubs.
Ask away!
who are you?
Was it easy to organize the Highlander mixup match?
What was the feedback so far?
Will there be another edition?
When will you finally admit that 6v6 is the only way to go for competitive tf2? :D
Quoted from Atty
who are you?
You don’t know the legendary ashkan from Lokalen’s 2fort 24/7 server? :O
Why is lokalen so popular? i keep going back to dustbowl 24/7 but i dunno why.
Quoted from mvp.
Was it easy to organize the Highlander mixup match?
What was the feedback so far?
Will there be another edition?
When will you finally admit that 6v6 is the only way to go for competitive tf2? :D
Damn, all these hard non-2fort question!!
1) Sure, easy-peasy. Spending a couple of days arguing and setting up the whole concept of the match. Just had a couple of pubbers block me on steam when I tried to notify them they had been picked. A bunch of pros never answering me. Three guys from Epsilon notifying me the day before the first match that they couldn’t play, so I had to spend the whole day finding the best pros available. Having to send 2 reminders for every mail I sent Robin. Having to balance the classes the best way possible, while trying to get the players to use their preferred classes. Having to contact a bunch of news sites and communities to spread the word. Finding a concept for the poster and getting someone to do it. Having the first match DDOSed and completely ruined, disappointing more than 4000 spectators. Having people laugh at the match because it failed. Having the blog post about the match be the most hated blog post in TF2 history because there were no new posts for a month, and everyone was waiting for the polycount update seeing that Heavy laugh in their faces every day. After the first match, having Robin postpone the practice run week after week. During the practice run, having very few people actually read the rules carefully, even though claiming to have done so. When scheduling the second match, trying to get the date to suit as many players and casters as possible (over 20 people). Getting into disputes with a few people. Having the second match attacked as well with a bunch of people complaining about stuff related to that.
Still, totally worth it :)
Especially thanks to you for helping me out with some stuff and making the match itself more watch-worthy.
2) Very good actually. People loved the concept and looked forward to it, and seemed to enjoy at least Badwater. With the VoD and demo up now, I’m sure they’ll enjoy Granary and your epic calling. “ROBIN!! GET OVER HERE!! I NEED YOU! GO GO GO!”. Directing Robin like only a German could do.
3) They said they had a blast and would like to do it on a more regular basis, so why not? ;)
4) I do admit to that, I actually did it long ago :P
I think highlander would be a great fun league though, and if Wireplay could pull their 7v7 league off pretty alright even before the highlander tournament, why wouldn’t the almighty ETF2L be able to create something greater? ^^
Last edited by ashkan,
Quoted from toogyboogy
Why is lokalen so popular? i keep going back to dustbowl 24/7 but i dunno why.
Basically, it’s just because they have the 2fort server. Everyone who doesn’t get in on the server plays on the other 5 servers in the meanwhile. That’s my theory.
What is your view on the premier div players?
Do you feel that they are of a big help of the community (seeing as they are the front figures)
How do you think tf2 will be in a years time?
Quoted from RaCio
Why would anyone 2fort
Oh you… I heard you say on Trell’s interview that you liked playing 2fort! I’m gonna hold that against you :D
This is the question all the ‘high skilled’ Highlander people want to know…
Why did you leave Lokalen to join wat?
Also – How can you play 2fort without the urge to commit suicide after playing?
Finally – Will you promote our next Highlander cast this Sunday?
Love you.
Quoted from Hildreth
Why did you leave Lokalen to join wat?
If you have a petri dish with nutritious solution and puts a amoeba in it, the amoeba thrives very well and splits itself every minute, after 1 min theres 2, after 2 mins theres 4 and so on.
After 40 minutes the dish is full, but after how many minutes is it half full?
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