Worst computer in use for TF2?
Created 29th September 2010 @ 23:06
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Reminds me the first 1½ year I played TF2 – was about 5-25 fps
Think the single core I had was about on 1.3 Ghz
Damn, I must ‘ave liked the game ALOT
Last edited by Defur,
Meh. I used to play it on a PC I got in 1998. Wasn’t high-end back then, either.
Last edited by Ghostface,
I played tf2 happily with my single core amd athlon 3500+ I think 2.2ghz?, 3gigs of 400mhz ram?! :D, and a gforce 9800 I bought for the computer because the old graphics card blew up :d.
I think I had about 60-100fps with high graphs when the game was YOUNG and hadn’t had those stupid fucking updates, now back in early 2010 I replaced it with a new one, I think I had around 20-50fps normally and 10-15 in badlands mid with m0res high fps configs.
My irl friend plays TF2 on a laptop with a 1.6GHz Celeron single core, 1GB of RAM and intel integrated graphics without an FPS config.
When I started with TF2 (Feb 2010 or so), I was on a laptop with a 1.86GHz dual core, GeForce Go 7600, 2 GB RAM I believe. At that time, I had about the same fps (pretty stable 60 I’d say) on the same details as today (Q6600, 4 GB DDR2 RAM (can only use 3 though), HD5750 with 1 GB and overclocked a bit).
Last edited by Rele,
Quoted from Skyride
My irl friend plays TF2 on a laptop with a 1.6GHz Celeron single core, 1GB of RAM and intel integrated graphics without an FPS config.
How is that remotely possible?
Does he play TF2 like a strategy – 1fps at a time?
Quoted from ups
Does he play TF2 like a strategy – 1fps at a time?
I’ve not seen it in ages, but he was getting like ~10fps usually on 2fort. Tried to convince him to use m0re’s high ages ago, but he didn’t want it. Shame since hes actually not too bad when he plays on my PC.
Last edited by Skyride,
Quoted from kyur
1.8 amd athlon
768 mb ram
nvidia fx 5500640×400
m0re’s highfps cfg, everything’s low/off/none/010 fps on obscure(coldfront) mid, 2nd and last cap
~15-25 fps when there’s action on the screen, 25-40 when there is nothing happening, on normal maps like granlands
~30+ choke when shit hits the fan
Wow. thats absolutly epic
Quoted from FADe
Nice calculator man, check out my toaster;
2gb 533mhz
ATi2600HDOnly time it chugs is on mid, rest of the time I’m quite happy sat on 30fps.
my old computer. lol (not in use any more.. thanks god)
had a solid minimum of 9 fps. no matter what happened. if i was lucky (i mean staring at a wall while standing right in front of it, and when there were a max of 12 people on the server (BUT NOT in the room that i was in)), i could reach the fps limit of 60.
in the end, i ran around with solid ~20 fps.
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