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Worst computer in use for TF2?

Created 29th September 2010 @ 23:06

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Hey, I’m using a pretty old machine for TF2 and wondered if anyone else also has an awesomely slow machine to play with!

My specs are as follows:

Win XP Home
Pentium M 1.73ghz
1gb RAM
X300 64mb VRAM
80gb HDD

I play using Chris’s (FakkelBrigade) fps config at 720×480.

Does anyone have a worse rig? Please do share!

Last edited by Nana-chan,


How much fps do you have etc?


Feel sorry for you, thinking about building a computer and send it to you.


UbeR |




Quoted from Nana-chan

Hey, I’m using a pretty old machine for TF2 and wondered if anyone else also has an awesomely slow machine to play with!

My specs are as follows:

Win XP Home
Pentium M 1.73ghz
1gb RAM
X300 64mb VRAM
80gb HDD

I play using Chris’s (FakkelBrigade) fps config at 720×480.

Does anyone have a worse rig? Please do share!

Nice dude, good calls, great hacking skills, div 3 material easily.


Nice calculator man, check out my toaster;

2gb 533mhz

Only time it chugs is on mid, rest of the time I’m quite happy sat on 30fps.


Quoted from Zebbosai

How much fps do you have etc?

20-30fps with around 20 players I think. I have not bothered to look at the actual numbers while playing due to distractions (read: pr0 opponents) but the counter does dip into the yellow sometimes.

Chojje you troll, I’m div7 Wireplay standard!



1.8 amd athlon
768 mb ram
nvidia fx 5500

m0re’s highfps cfg, everything’s low/off/none/0

10 fps on obscure(coldfront) mid, 2nd and last cap

~15-25 fps when there’s action on the screen, 25-40 when there is nothing happening, on normal maps like granlands

~30+ choke when shit hits the fan

Last edited by kyur,


I feel sorry for you :(

Spike Himself


Wow, and I was just about to replace my i7 920 :/

Was about to say Kyur has the worst PC in etf2l, then I noticed he had already posted here. :D

Quoted from Spike Himself

Wow, and I was just about to replace my i7 920 :/

Why would you replace it?

Last edited by Buffalo Bill,

Spike Himself


Quoted from Buffalo Bill


Why would you replace it?

Because it’s an ‘old’ C0 stepping which doesn’t overclock that well.



i use mine at 4ghz, but tbh there is little to no difference in games compared to the default 2.66.



Send me your old CPU, Spike. My E2200 is out of date.

le: oh right you’re @ work

d7p.Goatface: i’ll just send one of my highly trained dolphins over to netherlands.
d7p.Goatface: no problem if you’re not near the sea or anything. the dolphins come with a monkey on a bycicle on their back, just in case.

Last edited by Ghostface,

Spike Himself


Quoted from Linus

i use mine at 4ghz, but tbh there is little to no difference in games compared to the default 2.66.

It’s just a hobby, there isn’t necessarily a purpose to it. Aiming for 4.6+ on a 930 with water.

Quoted from Ghostface

Send me your old CPU, Spike. My E2200 is out of date.

Sure. Address?

Last edited by Spike Himself,

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