Recommend a keyboard
Created 17th July 2010 @ 15:35
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Cheap with no 3key limit
Mine, perfect keyboard.
( Microsoft basic keyboard )
absolute ballin keyboard
Quoted from Memento Mori
Cheap with no 3key limit
pretty much every keyboard made nowadays doesn’t have that sort of array limitation…
Last edited by Freeflow,
Quoted from Shintaz
absolute ballin keyboard
But it has 3 key limit…
Also has a button on it with which you can turn off the windows key.
Quoted from Spike Himself
Also has a button on it with which you can turn off the windows key.
“Cheap” $79.99
Quoted from Shintaz
absolute ballin keyboard
Do they do them in maroon?
Quoted from Spike Himself
Also has a button on it with which you can turn off the windows key.
how huge are ur hands if u need to use it??
Spend some cash and buy a mechanical keyboard. I break all my normal keyboards (ranging from 10-80 euro’s), but have never been able to destroy an IBM Model M.
Quoted from Koeitje
Spend some cash and buy a mechanical keyboard. I break all my normal keyboards (ranging from 10-80 euro’s), but have never been able to destroy an IBM Model M.
The Steelseries 7G/6Gv2 is a good choise.
old logitech g15
working like a charm since ~3 years
id never recommend g15 to anyone that doesnt need the LCD, it just too sloppy and cheap imo, the buttons after a year or two start to tear and after only few months i had problem with a “w” key – needs to be pressed harder than other keys to get it regged
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