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The Truth (cue dramatic music)

Created 26th May 2010 @ 20:06

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I left Loco alone, but it appears he still continues to talk about of his ass about me, i remained calm, but simonine giving me logs of people he knows who have talked to loco, who have them told people i know and it scares me to think of how many people will just take his story without even a pinch of salt, so i’ll make an attempt to clear it up, and ask ups to tell it from his view as well, after all, this is all about him.

After this bad game on gullywash, loco told ME that ups was “fkn shit” and that he didn’t think he’d be able to make it at div 2 level, he also told me that other members of our clan, whom their names he didn’t want to mention, didn’t want him playing and wanted morf to play full time. disappointed, i loco i’d be sad if ups left, he said something like “i’m not here to win friend of the year competition” and that he “can’t make everyone happy” and has to do what he has to do.

I then told ups, thinking that Loco would have at least the decency to inform ups that he was thinking of dropping him, but it turns out he didn’t even tell him, and neither did any of the other clan members who had been whining behind his back to loco, but i did not know, and told him i would be upset if he left, he said “i didn’t expect much of this clan” and didn’t seem surprised that i told him this, so i didn’t expect he didn’t know.

I came on later, and loco questioned me aggressively, asking why i gave his chatlogs to ups, i was surprised to know ups didn’t know, and argued that i was merely saying i hope he stays, he then tells me ups left, which was a blatant lie, as ups didn’t leave, for whatever reason he did this i do not know, i say you should’ve informed him of you and your members opinions and hypothetical action against him, he complained it was private so i said why the hell did i need to know then? the chat went silent then, and i went offline and did a little emo cry (jokes*) i then decided i didn’t want to be in a double crossing clan with a socially incompetent imbecile for a leader, and took of the tag etc, and as loco has told some, he did not offer me any chance of coming back on sunday, which angers me more. that’s all of the story.

I would appreciate it greatly if you could refrain from typing with your balls at least.
Thank you. mike.




I’ve discussed many trials with Loco but I always had the decency not to talk about these discussions with the guys that were trialing. I would get pissed too if certain sensitive conversations would be made public without my knowing. Clearly you are not mature enough to differentiate between chats you can share and which you can’t.

Last edited by Koeitje,



Just wondering what the point of this was exactly?



Dunno, but I want to support Mike. I just feel that the truth is on his side.



oh dear. the internet wins again



the point was that simonine has given me chatlogs of people’s opinions of me from loco, i knew he was saying bad stuff, but i’ve had enough and wanted to clear it up once and for all.



Who fucking cares, dude. Would you do this if the same thing happened in a div 6 clan? I don’t think so. So why do it in this predicament?
Wow, and I thought Season lying to everyone about joining MYM then making a thread about it was enough e-drama to keep me going.


once there was a bad guy on public talkin crazy stuff about my parents ;(

i was cryn so hard but couldn’t beat the troll

ahh nvm wall of text nobody gives a shit


mike, come online on steam :D


Well, for once, the story isnt entirely true. There were no chatlogs, because the conversation was made on mumble and therefore there could not have been any.

Also, as the rest of the team says that they were discussing my shit game on gullywash specifically, saying that they want morf to play more (and that’s logical, since I’m only a backup player and I cant really play on the level my team plays on some custom maps yet).

I think it was a bit of misunderstanding tbh



Quoted from Mike

I came

tf2 is dead
mike is an idiot
this thread is useless

haters gonna hate


Quoted from Shintaz

tf2 is dead
mike is an idiot
this thread is useless

haters gonna hate

yes wee-k-end

Welcome to human interaction.

If you think this is a big deal you wouldn’t have lasted 5 minutes in an all-girls school.



I think practically none of the people here would last that long in an all-girls school. Tho most would’nt mind a shot at it…

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