"No name" by sIN
Created 20th April 2010 @ 22:13
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Loved it, very nervous, no lolslow-mo airshotlol (well very few), frags were awesome.
very nice job considering its his first one!
Quoted from Cla
OMG guys, you must stop sending all the same demos at all the editors.
OMG editors, you must start releasing all the video’s you announced.
Quoted from Exfane
OMG editors, you must start releasing all the video’s you announced.
I only started collecting demos 2 days ago! I need more time! ;_;
Hey could you maybe upload it to Youtube aswell since i cant watch videos on pldx wihout lag and bad processing for some reason :)
Last edited by Sofa King,
Quoted from Exfane
OMG editors, you must start releasing all the video’s you announced.
Sorry if I don’t release movies 1 week after i started the democall :P
btw , i guess you have to wait a bit more.
Quoted from Sofa King
Hey could you maybe upload it to Youtube aswell since i cant watch videos on pldx wihout lag and bad processing for some reason :)
Why using a frag from a player you had no intention of asking for permission in a community movie? Seriously? The demos gets whored around as it is, you could at least ask the player for permission.
Good job on this video, enjoyed it. Now, where the hell did you get my demo from? ^^
the color was very wierd and with some overused + same same all the time music. I would have liked more variation and maybe a little break from time to time. never the less the movie was good, decent editing and some cool and well worked camera angles.
Maybe the next movie of yours should be a bit shorter with a bit less frags so you can put more time into every second of the movie :D. now it was kinda panncake on panncake with no jam in between.
I couldn’t enjoy this move at all because it’s so sad that you (siN) used the demos which actually were intended for Cla’s movie …
Sorry but this is just ridiculous…
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