Created 7th February 2010 @ 17:33
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Last edited by luzik,
could barely see anything because of monitorgamma 2.2(guessed value), but otherwise not too bad.
ye, i heard cool people leave their ingame monitorgamma on the standard value and set the monitor’s brightness HIGH these days :(
lol, I thought you guys were exaggerating, but nope, it is DARK.
there are some nice frags (well, they look nice to a noob like me) =]
big plus that movie has style , not just frags that are put together , and yeah a bit too dark. I kinda liked the creepy music ;D
Quoted from BERSERKER
You do realize the correct phrase is ‘imba’ and not ‘inba’ :D?
I thought that too.
Why every movie these days have to start with a 40 second intro of a single demoman/soldier jumping towards mid is beyond me
It’s way way too dark but overall the editing was pretty tasteful and I liked the music. Nothing special about the video though, nothing that really sets it apart from other videos.
it was indeed very dark, but the worst thing was that there was a sort of bloom overlay, making half the stuff very dark, and the rest waaaaay to bright (though that might be my monitor gamma :P). especially the kill messages were not only very bright, but they also had an glow effect on them, horrible i say.
the rest was all right, though the enormous contrast bugged me so i coudn’t focus on the movie itself
Quoted from Comedian
it was indeed very dark, but the worst thing was that there was a sort of bloom overlay, making half the stuff very dark, and the rest waaaaay to bright (though that might be my monitor gamma :P). especially the kill messages were not only very bright, but they also had an glow effect on them, horrible i say.
the rest was all right, though the enormous contrast bugged me so i coudn’t focus on the movie itself
This. It’s a shame about the contrast/gamma/bloom, would’ve been a very enjoyable movie otherwise.
Quoted from BERSERKER
You do realize the correct phrase is ‘imba’ and not ‘inba’ :D?
Yes I do. I typed the name wrong on purpose, as some kind of joke.
My monitors brightness was a bit high, so I couldn’t guess that it will be so goddamn dark for others..
Quoted from Waebi
ye, i heard cool people leave their ingame monitorgamma on the standard value and set the monitor’s brightness HIGH these days :(
What should I do to fix this lil’ problem? :oo
Last edited by luzik,
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