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Top 10 TF2 plays - June 2015

Created 25th August 2015 @ 23:32

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UbeR |


The 53rd edition of our Top 10 TF2 plays, June 2015! Just one week left to submit clips for August! If you submit i55 clips in September, please mention i55 in the description so we know it’s in August. Don’t wait too long though, and enjoy the LAN!

Sorry for the delay on June, July will hopefully be out sooner as the only thing left to do is the audio mix.

Submit your plays: http://www.extelevision.com/submit
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/eXtv


To see pub-tier plays be considered “top 10” anything is sad and misleading to the audiences regarding the state of competitive TF2. To see them being treated at the same level, if not higher, than Premiership official plays is laughable.

Could this be addressed and thoroughly discussed? Because there’s so much that could be done here to improve both extv’s quality and the publicity for competitive TF2.



Yes you can argue that “they can only work with what they are given” but even that doesn’t cover it here some of those plays were awful.



UbeR |

We don’t have the manpower to go through every premiership match and look for possible Top10 clips. If you see something awesome, feel free to submit it!



Quoted from LuckyLuke

We don’t have the manpower to go through every premiership match and look for possible Top10 clips. If you see something awesome, feel free to submit it!

You get paid via patreon to keep uploading the top10 series – the very least you can do is to watch some of the high tier matches and get big plays from there, instead of collecting garbage frags from games that aren’t even official matches. Number one play of June 2015 is Shadowburn’s 6k on mid vs. Ascent, period.



number 3 should be number 1.
anything else should not be in the series.
ondkaja’s explanation was good enough why so.
put a bit more effort into finding good frags.
pyro/spy/engy plays were bad imo and the medic switching to scout to get the 3k was just funny.
number 5 scout 4k is one of the best plays this “TOP 10 TF2 PLAYS – JUNE 2015” and any high/prem scout gets those streaks regularly in scrims.
why should good people want to be in the top10 plays of the month if you don’t put in the effort to find the frags yourself?
I am pretty sure that having more prem plays (you already accept stv’s so no reason not to look for them your self) will motivate players to submit better plays to get in a video with them.
instead of 2 amby hs kills and a taunt kill lmao.

Last edited by Phnx,


I dont get why prem players shouldnt submit their plays just like everyone else. Its not like extv does nothing but clicking “lol upload top10 video now”

Last edited by firej,



Quoted from firej

I dont get why prem players shouldnt submit their plays just like everyone else. Its not like extv does nothing but clicking “lol upload top10 video now”

Well it’s a fuckin waste of time. Lucky Luke is like the garbage man of frags who uploads the worst garbage frags You’d be dumping your decent frag clip into a pool of fucking garbage and it will be featured in a delayed top10 episode with extine as narrator and be placed below someone who gets a taunt kill in a lobby or something. Not that appealing to be honest.


(ETF2L Donator)

Skeej dropped with 70%, I got to say I enjoyed this top 10 very much.


(Legendary Ratehacks)

not only that 9/10 clips were horrible the one decent clip also was used about 5 times already

I helped extv in the past with sorting, and it’s an awful job.
You fire up TF2, load the demo and ticks and see if it’s decent. Go through 150 of those and you might end up with 4 or 5 that are worthy at a top 10.

Then Luc needs to sort, process and edit that, which takes ages since all of that work doesn’t come falling out of the sky.

Although I think extv should obviously be watching casts for moments, it’s a bit harsh to say they’re doing garbage.
Submit stuff you see in a (prem) match, provide context and it will be placed above the other clips.


Compared to what beater does this is disappointing.


(ETF2L Donator)

ondkaja with that straight fire


(๑╹ω╹๑ )

Quoted from smziii

not only that 9/10 clips were horrible the one decent clip also was used about 5 times already

Can’t really say that it’s eXtv’s fault since the game was played in the beginning of June and the clip was overused already before the month even ended.

If people don’t want to see bad clips in these series then you really should take an advantage of the demo archive that we have here and do this: Watch a match/cast, look after highlights of the match, look up for a STV demo of it and then submit it to eXtelevision. They do take STV demos just as well and nobody will know who to throw into the dumpster for sending a clip that isn’t your own.

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