Smoothing own character
Created 11th June 2012 @ 13:07
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Hi movie guys!
Sorry, I’m sure this question’s been asked a million times….
Is there any way at all you can do a smooth and show your own character, other than getting someone else’s POV demo who happened to be running round near you at the time?
Something like what’s shown here…
So being able to see that 3rd person perspective of the sniper, was that done just by switching to 3rd person, or is there a way to be able to smooth your own player?
Hope that makes sense!
beach .
Last edited by beach,
You can do that through stv or using your team mates pov demo. Tho the player has to be very close to you, otherwise you won’t be able to see yourself.
Or just use thirdperson function and play with it.
So literally by recording manually from the STV? Because I know you can’t (I don’t think…) smooth from an STV demo.
Prec has thirdperson binds to rotate the camera. They have been promised for lawena but haven’t heard about it in ages. :<
You can’t smooth stv but that didn’t look like a smooth, just third person with the camera position moved…but wtf do I know.
Only way to actually smooth yourself is with others POV afaik. Free hand with stv can give some decent results but difficult to get it…well…smooth.
Good luck.
Quoted from beach
So literally by recording manually from the STV? Because I know you can’t (I don’t think…) smooth from an STV demo.
You can smooth using STV :P Just that it is way harder, since you need to use key bindings to fly around and etc. It’s just much more complicated.
that was thirdperson 1 with cam_idealyaw 180 to rotate it to that. (Other camera commands are cam_idealdist (distance from player duh) cam_idealpitch (vertical rotation) cam_idealdistright (what do you think) cam_idealdistup (etc etc)).
Edit: and no there is no way to smooth your own player, think of it like this, you are the camera, were you to try and make a smooth, you would keyframe camera points, but as you are the camera, all those keyframed points would be you. (Don’t know if you understood that :D)
If you had another POV, you could smooth it wherever they are in the map to keyframe arond your model. STV would be manually moving around which can be a little disconcerting.
Last edited by Phrozen,
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