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SrcDemo² - Render smoother demos, faster.

Created 10th March 2012 @ 20:08

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Obligatory screenshot: http://srcdemo2.googlecode.com/git/img/screenshot.png

What does it do?
SrcDemo² lets you render smoother movies, faster.

Smoother, how?
By using frame blending. Frame-blending is not a new technique. It involves rendering a movie at a very high framerate, then blending those frames together into a lower framerate. This gives the final video a smoother feel.
However, these frame are quite large in file size, and if you want something very smooth, you would thus require a lot of disk space in order to store all those frames. This is where SrcDemo² comes in.

Faster, how?
SrcDemo² creates a virtual filesystem that sits within the game’s directory. When the game tries to write image files to it, those images get caught before they get written to disk. Instead, they are kept in memory. After a sufficient amount of images has been caught, they are blended together, and one single frame is written to the disk, in another directory of your choice, in the image format of your choice.

This not only allows you to render movies a lot faster (since frames are not written to disk, and the disk is slow), but also smoother, because you can set the framerate as crazy-high as you want and the disk storage needed will not change!

Where can I get it?
http://srcdemo2.googlecode.comRight here[/url].

The BBCode allowed here is very restrictive, so I cannot post nicely-formatted instructions on how to use here. I would suggest to check out the Facepunch of Steam Forums thread. They also include sample videos.

Facepunch thread
Steam forums thread

Everything is http://code.google.com/p/srcdemo2/source/browseopen-source[/url] and under the BSD license. However, I would appreciate it a lot if you tag videos made with this tool on YouTube with the tag “srcdemo2”. Thanks!

Last edited by Wind,

Spike Himself


Would very much like to see a sample movie of sorts. Until now every tf2 movie that makes use of frame blending is just an eyesore to watch.


Quoted from Spike Himself

Would very much like to see a sample movie of sorts. Until now every tf2 movie that makes use of frame blending is just an eyesore to watch.

The two threads linked in the first post are filled with sample videos made with this, or you can check out videos tagged “srcdemo2” on Youtube.

The reason frameblended videos are typically an eyesore is due to abuse of shutter angle. SrcDemo² has a shutter angle setting (unlike, say, the TF2 replay renderer) set to the sane default of 180 degrees, which makes it not too much of an eyesore. Here is a detailed explanation of what shutter angle is and how it works.

Last edited by Wind,



bsd license, finally someone in the tf2 community has standards instead of licensing under gpl stupidity

Last edited by octochris,



Looks interesting might try it out!!



Last edited by george,



very nice! will use this for the next mvoie :) thanks!



Here is a quick preview. 720 fps 180 shutter angle 30fps output http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaNFWzF0sQ8



I can’t get this to start, I keep clicking on the application :(, e-peen -1



Quoted from Phrozen

I can’t get this to start, I keep clicking on the application :(, e-peen -1




Quoted from konr



Quoted from Phrozen

I can’t get this to start, I keep clicking on the application :(, e-peen -1




Quoted from george




what are guys using to compile the pngs? VIrtual dub dosent seem to recognize all of them since the image numbers jump from ~600ish to ~3000ish just randomly. Is there a workaround?



Quoted from Decoy

what are guys using to compile the pngs? VIrtual dub dosent seem to recognize all of them since the image numbers jump from ~600ish to ~3000ish just randomly. Is there a workaround?

tga is the way to go

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