A scout fragmovie
Created 22nd May 2011 @ 09:55
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first movie…enjoy
overused music, horrid editing and crosshairs changing constantly between weapons. use default when you do movies.
Also I could almost say that you have a toggle aimbot. gg
Why do people release stuff, which they think is “bad” “not finished” or “poorly edited” cause “they couldn’t be arsed editing any more” even though their next movie “will be better!” …?
I mean, imagine watching a movie in your local cinema and halfway into the film there’s a random subtitle “Sorry, couldn’t be bothered to finish the movie, my next one will be promised, your friendly director/producer/grandma, kthxforurmoneyzandbye!”
Mediocre frags, overused music, no editing… 3/10.
Quoted from ash
Why do people release stuff, which they think is “bad” “not finished” or “poorly edited” cause “they couldn’t be arsed editing any more” even though their next movie “will be better!” …?
because there is still alot of work behind that, even if after intro it nearly was somethin edited…
we all beginning somewhere and most of the times we kearn from mistakes :D
Quoted from ash
Why do people release stuff, which they think is “bad” “not finished” or “poorly edited” cause “they couldn’t be arsed editing any more” even though their next movie “will be better!” …?
I mean, imagine watching a movie in your local cinema and halfway into the film there’s a random subtitle “Sorry, couldn’t be bothered to finish the movie, my next one will be promised, your friendly director/producer/grandma, kthxforurmoneyzandbye!”
Mediocre frags, overused music, no editing… 3/10.
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