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lawena recording tool

Created 17th May 2011 @ 21:48

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Quoted from Kaneco

Just tried the new version

Crashing every time on skipping to a tick, I have tried all mat_queue_mode values, all crash.

Is it with a particular demo or with any file? Does it crash when running TF2 normally?

I’ve found out that some crashes occur when using the enhanced particles so you could disable them and retry.

As a workaround if you are in a hurry, use “host_timescale 15” or with a similar value to avoid goto.


Quoted from Quantic


Is it with a particular demo or with any file? Does it crash when running TF2 normally?

I’ve found out that some crashes occur when using the enhanced particles so you could disable them and retry.

As a workaround if you are in a hurry, use “host_timescale 15” or with a similar value to avoid goto.

Any demofile is causing it. Yes, it crashes when running normally with no lawena

Enhanced particles disable didn’t solve it as well (by the way what exactly does this option do?)

I feel I am cursed with tf2 demos, I tried all 3 available programs (almie’s, lawena and demobuddy) and had issues with every single one of them


Quoted from Kaneco


Any demofile is causing it. Yes, it crashes when running normally with no lawena

Enhanced particles disable didn’t solve it as well (by the way what exactly does this option do?)

I feel I am cursed with tf2 demos, I tried all 3 available programs (almie’s, lawena and demobuddy) and had issues with every single one of them

Enhanced particles are the ones from pldx.

You can try running TF2 with -condebug launch option and looking at the console.log file in the tf folder, maybe there’s an error at the end of the file when it crashes that can guide you further.


Quoted from Quantic


Enhanced particles are the ones from pldx.

You can try running TF2 with -condebug launch option and looking at the console.log file in the tf folder, maybe there’s an error at the end of the file when it crashes that can guide you further.

Tried condebug, nothing special appears…

Also I can skip the demo for example to tick 10000 but any more than that it just crashes for example I skipped to tick 10000 and then back to tick 4000 and back to tick 10000 and everything worked , when I skipped to tick 40000 it crashed



Quoted from Kaneco


Tried condebug, nothing special appears…

Also I can skip the demo for example to tick 10000 but any more than that it just crashes for example I skipped to tick 10000 and then back to tick 4000 and back to tick 10000 and everything worked , when I skipped to tick 40000 it crashed

That happens to most people, including me, so i guess its quite normal. Try skiping as much as10000 ticks and it will work fine.


Quoted from tavi


That happens to most people, including me, so i guess its quite normal. Try skiping as much as10000 ticks and it will work fine.

Really ? didnt know that bug was normal.

Also, another issue, when skipping the game audio is gone and only reappers after a few fast forwards… Lol this game is so strange…

And I finally succeeded to record a video file, with no skipping tho :( so bookmarks at the end of the maps will take me 5 mins just to get there



skyboxes/custom models didn’t work for me


Quoted from dtn

skyboxes/custom models didn’t work for me

Sorry to read that since that’s one of the main differences with previous version.. let me try to help you.

If you are using one of the included skyboxes and it’s not showing up in the demos, can you check if they are being copied to tf/custom/lawena/materials/skybox when the tool launches TF2? If they are, then the issue could be demo or map related. Does it happen with every demo? If the files are not being copied then paste here the log failure message and I’ll look into it.

About custom models/skins, you put the folder or vpk inside tf/custom and then tick them in the tool. If you are already doing that then the two problems are connected and you should also be having trouble with hud files or cfgs, is or was that your case?

Last edited by Quantic,



Quoted from Quantic


Sorry to read that since that’s one of the main differences with previous version.. let me try to help you.

If you are using one of the included skyboxes and it’s not showing up in the demos, can you check if they are being copied to tf/custom/lawena/materials/skybox when the tool launches TF2? If they are, then the issue could be demo or map related. Does it happen with every demo? If the files are not being copied then paste here the log failure message and I’ll look into it.

About custom models/skins, you put the folder or vpk inside tf/custom and then tick them in the tool. If you are already doing that then the two problems are connected and you should also be having trouble with hud files or cfgs, is or was that your case?

1. Yep, they are being copied to custom/lawena/materials/skybox when the tool launches tf2, and it happens with every demo.
2.Custom models/skins I put inside custom/mystuff and tick “mystuff” in the tool.
Also skybox/models are working well on local server.

Last edited by dtn,

El Muchacho


hey,when i press P or F12 nothing happends what the hell,it worked well like 6-7 days ago,i tried reinstalling it and shit nothing works.HELP


Quoted from El Muchacho

hey,when i press P or F12 nothing happends what the hell,it worked well like 6-7 days ago,i tried reinstalling it and shit nothing works.HELP

It’s possible that the tool couldn’t copy the configs that bind the record key. Is there an error/weird message in the logs? When you press P is the TF2 console showing “Unknown command” or nothing happens?

El Muchacho


Quoted from Quantic


It’s possible that the tool couldn’t copy the configs that bind the record key. Is there an error/weird message in the logs? When you press P is the TF2 console showing “Unknown command” or nothing happens?

it says “no more movie slots” in console

Last edited by El Muchacho,



Quoted from Quantic


It’s possible that the tool couldn’t copy the configs that bind the record key. Is there an error/weird message in the logs? When you press P is the TF2 console showing “Unknown command” or nothing happens?

‘crosshairswitcher/binds’ not present ; not executing. Is what the console tells me after pressing P, it doesn’t start recording. I tried the crosshairswitcher a couple of days ago and then reverted back to my old cfg. But it is still referring to this crosshairswitcher bind in some way?


Quoted from El Muchacho


it says “no more movie slots” in console

You need to clear the movie files, that message means that you used all the “record slots” the tool provides, and to avoid rewriting your older frames recorder, it halts the recording. Press “Clear Movie Files” once you’ve rendered the frames.

Quoted from BenBazinga

‘crosshairswitcher/binds’ not present ; not executing. Is what the console tells me after pressing P, it doesn’t start recording. I tried the crosshairswitcher a couple of days ago and then reverted back to my old cfg. But it is still referring to this crosshairswitcher bind in some way?

Then it’s not copying the config files (P key is not getting bound to startrecording). No error messages in the log about that? Hmm weird, try executing the tool as administrator.

Last edited by Quantic,



Quoted from Quantic


Then it’s not copying the config files (P key is not getting bound to startrecording). No error messages in the log about that? Hmm weird, try executing the tool as administrator.

Unable to remove c:program files (x86)steamsteamappscommonteam fortress 2tftextwindow_temp.html!
The only error I get in the console when tf2 starts after opening Lawena as admin. I think it’s strange it still refers to the crosshair switcher anyways since it’s not present in any of my configs anymore (I checked).
I hope this helped.

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