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lawena recording tool

Created 17th May 2011 @ 21:48

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Quoted from rtan

Got a strange problem where it’s not really launching the max quality config, as I still have the low quality textures and no ragdolls or gibs.

Tried having a little Google but couldn’t find much, certain its a small fix.

You could try to just manually copy/paste the max quality cfg (backup your proper cfgs first).


Quoted from rtan

Got a strange problem where it’s not really launching the max quality config, as I still have the low quality textures and no ragdolls or gibs.

Tried having a little Google but couldn’t find much, certain its a small fix.

a guy called profix had the same problem, I told him to manually change the dxlevel to 98, and I think it worked for him. If it doesn’t, just ask him.



Quoted from omrish

a guy called profix had the same problem, I told him to manually change the dxlevel to 98, and I think it worked for him. If it doesn’t, just ask him.

Thanks, but stupid question, but how do I change the dxlevel on lawena manually?


Quoted from rtan


Thanks, but stupid question, but how do I change the dxlevel on lawena manually?

If you are playing with a dx8 config, you have to change it manually in launch options.



Quoted from omrish

If you are playing with a dx8 config, you have to change it manually in launch options.


I’ve done this, and it has launched in dx98 now, but I still have the low quality textures.

So I manually launched the max quality config (while on the menu screen and while inside the demo), while it does change the textures to high, there is no other player models, or rockets, etc. When I restart the demo (and presumably to the default config its deciding to launch) it’s back to the low quality textures but player models are visible.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!



This shit breaks my config so often it’s ridiculous.


Quoted from konr

This shit breaks my config so often it’s ridiculous.

You just dont know how it works, I got this soo rarely when i fail closing tf2
also using this tool recently



Quoted from konr

This shit breaks my config so often it’s ridiculous.

have you tried relaunching lawena and closing it again?



Quoted from Starkie

have you tried relaunching lawena and closing it again?

Yes. It’s like it does it in different ways every single time. Sometimes it doesn’t replace my configs properly and my config just disappears. Sometimes it keeps the files in there and only replaces my launch options/config.cfg and sometimes it works fine.



For some reason when i skip tick with “goto tick” viewmodels get disabled. Even though i disabled viewmodel switching in demos. Same happens on pldx



Quoted from konr

[…]Yes. It’s like it does it in different ways every single time. Sometimes it doesn’t replace my configs properly and my config just disappears. Sometimes it keeps the files in there and only replaces my launch options/config.cfg and sometimes it works fine.

Blame windows 8

Spike Himself


Quoted from konr

[…]Yes. It’s like it does it in different ways every single time. Sometimes it doesn’t replace my configs properly and my config just disappears. Sometimes it keeps the files in there and only replaces my launch options/config.cfg and sometimes it works fine.

Honestly have no idea, but does the same happen if you run the thing as administrator?



Lawena doesn’t launch tf2 when i press the “Start Team Fotress 2” button. It just replaces the hud- and config files, does a bunch of nothing and then restores the folders again, as if it had launched and closed TF2, except none of that happens.

Is there something wrong with my program or are anybody else having similar issues? Thanks



Quoted from Beater

Lawena doesn’t launch tf2 when i press the “Start Team Fotress 2” button. It just replaces the hud- and config files, does a bunch of nothing and then restores the folders again, as if it had launched and closed TF2, except none of that happens.

Is there something wrong with my program or are anybody else having similar issues? Thanks

i sometimes have this with PLDX, try opening normal tf2 and closing


Quoted from Beater

Lawena doesn’t launch tf2 when i press the “Start Team Fotress 2” button. It just replaces the hud- and config files, does a bunch of nothing and then restores the folders again, as if it had launched and closed TF2, except none of that happens.

Is there something wrong with my program or are anybody else having similar issues? Thanks

Just used it and it works fine for me. I think I had the problem a few months back. It turns out I hadn’t used Windows update for 1.5 years and had 144 updates to install. After that it worked.

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