Bullet time?
Created 1st July 2010 @ 14:05
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Could someone give me an idea, or step by step, idiot-proof instructions if you’re feeling generous, of how to achieve the ‘paused-footage-but-camera-moving’ shots I see so often.
When I pause my demos the camera freezes too!
Thank you.
I was right, that doesn’t seem to work for me…
God I fail. So I go to third person mode and I go to playback speed 0%, (I tried 0.2% too), and just get rid of the demoui box and press numbers to move the camera? This doesn’t work at all for me. Any ideas?
So I got it worked out now, thanks for the replies guys. For those that are still in the dark here’s what to do:
–Slide the playback speed to 0% on the demoui
–Hide the demoui again
–Press ‘t’ to go to 3rd person mode and wait for the camera to stabilise
–Position the camers using the arrow keys and ‘z’ and ‘x’
–start recording and press a number key from 1-6 or use the arrow keys again
It seems the number keys do a complete orbit with one press. Haven’t fully worked out which goes where yet, (they seem to mostly go clockwise!), but the arrow keys work too. GL HF.
why does my camera refuse to go all teh way round sometimes? fucking annoying!
and also, i dont want the scene to move, do i just pause it to ddo that?
Last edited by WARHURYEAH,
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