Created 4th May 2010 @ 02:03
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Please, I’d appreciate it being in a MNM loads. That’d be great
Great map, really like it, some comments:
Judging whose base is whose is hard as hell if your jumping around a bit in mid and spinning around in circles, I know there are red/blu logo signs but they are not exactly in players faces if they are wanting to proceed, and the colours of the buildings are perhaps; opposite of what they should be? blu’s base wall looks more red and vice versa for red’s wall colour.
I like that things you should be able to jump on, you can and that the map isn’t clipped to buggery, really refreshing feeling.
On the way between second/last, your roofing has a lot of these sticky trap spots , and they aren’t that easy to check if your pushing at the same time, limiting these to 1 or 2 spots either side would suffice
Last point: some teams like to run sniper, however with the size of the last point and how close quarters it is, an engy might be more viable, this depends on how you want your last point to play out. Past experiences though are that last points that are really small and cluttered are boring as hell and annoying to make a break through- saying that, the last point caps REALLY quick, dunno if it is just me; but it seems a tad quicker than maps such as badlands/granary. There also isn’t much of a walk at all once you cap second; so steam rolling might be a bit easier than granary for example.
All of these are ofcourse assumptions as it hasn’t been played in a proper environment as of yet.
Looks good though! promising.
Last edited by Bury.,
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