Created 5th April 2010 @ 19:45
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So beta 2 includes some drastic changes starting wtih the middle area,
the cave being totally removed due to being too big and being too hard
to get the intel from the enemey’s base so b2 has that fixed and the map is 100% playable now.
I retextured both bases since people were complaing not being able to know
which base is which so thats fixed too. Also, I added another route to the intel room to make it easier get the intel
and ton of other improvements as well.
Updated first post with new info/pics.
Beta 2 Changlog:
-Added rails on the sides to make it less pyro friendly.
-Added another route out of the intel room to make it easier getting the intel.
-Removed the windows above the intel room.
-Scaled down the water.
-Fixed clipping problems.
-Added more signs throughout the map.
-Added more detail throughout the map.
-Fixed lighting errors.
-Retextured both bases so its easier to know on which base you are on.
-Removed the whole middle area(the cave) due to being too dificult to get the intel from the enemy’s base.
-Removed a side route at mid being useless.
-Fixed ton of visual glitches
-Added more lights.
-Improved FPS by a lot.
-Added spec cameras.
-Improved visually the 3D skybox
Updated Screenshots:
Has anyone gotten a mix/pcw going on this yet ?
Beta 3 Changelog:
-Fixed some displacements not sewed together
-Fixed some floating props
-Fixed a few overlapping textures
-Added stairs to the roof above the building.
-Removed the death pit at middle.
-Added an underground tunnel at middle.
-Added more health/ammo.
-Visually improved the 3d skybox.
-Added more cover on some parts of the map.
-Widen the corners to the intel room.
-Improved fps.
named as it is, I’m upset this isn’t a port of a system shock 2 level or maybe a Natural Selection level, and will be boycotting it for that reason ;)
So beta 4 doesn’t have the death pit where the catwalks used to be since many people complained about it. I took some pictures of the changes.
Beta 4 Changelog:
-Modified the entire area where the catwalks used to be due to the death pits being a problem.
-Fixed a few textures overlapping.
-Added more health/ammo.
-Improved fps.
-Added more detail in some certain areas of the map.
-Fixed a few other visual glitches throughout the map.
has anyone gotten a match on this played yet ?
RC1 Changelog:
-Added another spawn due to being too easy to spawn camp before.
-Fixed the fade distance to a couple of props.
-Fixed some nodraw textures.
-Fixed some issues with clipping.
-Fixed an issue with the 3d sky.
-Improved fps.
played on pub :D awesome
Well, since ctf_biomass is finished now I have decided to show you guys where I got the inspiration for this map. So I got the inspiration from this concept art that Bungie released for halo reach beta, not that I like halo or anything, I randomly found it online googling for concept arts because thats how I get my inspiration for every map I make.
This is the concept art
This is my map.
This is where I first found the concept art.
Reminds me Half-Life mapstyle.
Looks very nice, great job (downloading btw :)).
Requesting a 1-day cup on this. See how a CTF maps works in the MNM.
Quoted from Defur
Requesting a 1-day cup on this. See how a CTF maps works in the MNM.
Quoted from Randdalf
I’m just bitter.
I spent 8 months working my hardest on my map, going through every room twice, optimising it to the best of my ability, and making everything myself. Then this map comes out, apparently made in 2 weeks, with some parts stolen from other maps, and it gets a hell of a lot more feedback then mine ever did.
Borrowing is just the art of design.
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