Created 28th March 2010 @ 10:06
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I was suggested to post here to see if my map and its game type has some comp value andor potential
Its single stage A/D map with 4CPs. Mode works like gravelpit,but with 1 more point before the actual 2+1. so its A->B,C->D. Actual version is beta3a. The main changed compared to gravelpit are:
-added first point for both attackers and deffenders not to spread in the beginning, so they both start focused on first point.
-made distance from B to C about 3-4 times shorter compared to gravelpit’s
-added multiple spawn that are opened as team progress.
-used experemental spawn logic that prevents rush capturing the last point (if it works well I will add the same to points B and C)
This whole map is experement, and im gonna start new one soon, based on the same gamemode, so any suggestions or comments will be nice
Linky with DL and screenies (fpsb):
Last edited by hellfire,
Looks nice Hellfire, hit me up on steam and i’ll have a chat, i’m an old friend of shaar’s. :)
Hmm gives me a bit of a cp_steel kinda feeling when looking at the screenshots. And I don’t like that map ;-)
Quoted from dougiie
looks nice, will dl when I get home!
loving all the new maps recently!!
thanks :D
Quoted from Andee
Hmm gives me a bit of a cp_steel kinda feeling when looking at the screenshots. And I don’t like that map ;-)
actually people that DONT like the map are very useful, as they point at my mistakes. So i would gladly hear a feedback,esp the one that will tell why my map sucks :P
Well.. I dont like maps that give me claustrofobic feeling. I like wide open spaces, etc. And all I see on the screens are kinda small spaces. Just my personal preference.
Quoted from Andee
Well.. I dont like maps that give me claustrofobic feeling. I like wide open spaces, etc. And all I see on the screens are kinda small spaces. Just my personal preference.
well take a look at the map itself,vit has both closed and open spaces :D still thx for feedbk
Quoted from Andee
Well.. I dont like maps that give me claustrofobic feeling. I like wide open spaces, etc. And all I see on the screens are kinda small spaces. Just my personal preference.
Pretty much summed up whats wrong with most of the custom maps ever made.
RC is out, people should check this map out – even more now when the whole map is reworked;
“3-CP map in “reversed-gravelpit” mode (A, B+C). Both teams got 2 spawns, switch occurs after point A is captured. B&C got long capture times, paired with rather short travel distance and spawn time for attackers it ends up as constant fight and capture interruptions. B to C distance is also rather short and got multiple routes avalible for both teams at any time giving different advantages when preferring one to another. Point A build for some intence vertical combat as it basicly got 3 “height” levels.”
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