cp_backhand concept
Created 16th February 2010 @ 16:54
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Not really liking the one way door from last to mid myself. Nice layout though, make a version thats mirrored though, easier to see when its full. And whats up with hp and ammo for the last point? Are they just hidden away by themselves in a tiny room?
Last edited by Buck,
Quoted from Buck
Not really liking the one way door from last to mid myself. Nice layout though, make a version thats mirrored though, easier to see when its full. And whats up with hp and ammo for the last point? Are they just hidden away by themselves in a tiny room?
Any particular reason why you don’t like the one way door?
As for the mirroring, the reason I haven’t done it is that I will have to duplicate everything — I’d rather just do it when I’ve got a layout that I’m completely happy with.
As for the hp/ammo at cp5, I figured there should be some element of sacrifice or risk to get at them, thus the placement.
First of all it makes for very easy back caps so if you push from mid to 4th, someone can just respawn and go straight for your mid. This means you would always have to keep someone on the point when you go for a push to 4th, and everyone knows how boring it will be for players just to sit on middle waiting for something to happen while rest of your team are fighting. This also only makes 2 enterences to 4th which would be so easy to defend, one demo can sticky jump up and watch both, the water and the main enterence while the scouts still have easy chance of flanking the opponents. Im not sure though, it might as well make for some very interesting and fast paced gameplay.
Hope you dont think im an asshole or anything, i was just bored and made this, i personally like it bit better than your original design. What do you think?
Quoted from Buck
Hope you dont think im an asshole or anything, i was just bored and made this, i personally like it bit better than your original design. What do you think?
much easier to read
Quoted from Buck
Hope you dont think im an asshole or anything, i was just bored and made this, i personally like it bit better than your original design. What do you think?
I don’t think you’re an asshole :D
Thanks a lot for that drawing, I will look it over.
Last edited by octochris,
Not sure I like the new water placement, and the health/ammo at the 4th point seems a little bit biased. I don’t see the need for two medpacks and ammo at mid, one on each side is probably the better idea if they are not going to be in the water.
Other than that, I like it. I will implement some stuff from it.
the map looks tiny :D
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