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better than turbine: wildfire~

Created 11th February 2010 @ 18:53

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CTF Wildfire is my successor to ctf_atrophy that builds on some of its concepts more specifically for 6v6 play. Screenshots, download link, changelist and ty list @ http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=11533

Each intelligence is located on a badlands-esque spire; the middle features a large satellite dish, a bridge (whoa crazy) and a perilous chandelier to contest.

Your intel may be touch-returned; otherwise it will take the normal 60 seconds. There is no ‘flag at home’ rule like in atrophy; instead, your capture zone is on your own flag.

I.e. if you stop it in the middle of the map and have the enemy flag, you may touch return and cap all in one action- no need to fear going aggressive when both teams have the flag, as a capture on their territory means you can have the flag picked up again and possibly get 2 points out of it.

“Oh another random map that I’ll never play” Not this time! Message me on steam (mangycarface, go figure) and I’ll set up a lobby on a good NA server and pass the lobby leadership to you to play with your friends (a newer tf2lobby feature). The map has been tested through 7 alphas before I detailed it and I can sorta guarantee you’ll find it fun~ (I don’t have an EU server :S )

Last edited by SnowiE,

Links not working :)

Last edited by JOHNNYJACKAL,



broken link is broken




Links not working :)



I’ve fixed the link for you.


Thanks so much for doing that, I seem to have a history of bad links over here :S

Anyway, if any european server owners could UL it and run a lobby or two, I think you’d have fun~ I would do it if I had european server access but you know how it is



Looks really interesting, Mangy. Will happily make this map of the month on the ladder if you like and hopefully teams will pcw it as well and give you useful feedback.

The only bit I noticed that was weird running through it was that you can’t rocket/sticky jump up to these points (http://forums.tf2maps.net/geek/gars/images/6/8/4/ctf_wildfire_b10007.jpg and top right area of this http://forums.tf2maps.net/geek/gars/images/6/8/4/ctf_wildfire_b10006.jpg but they are really inviting areas to jump up to).


Well that’s a pretty fantastic offer. I don’t like to force a map on anyone but if you try it and do have fun, I’d love for it to be featured like that- I think it’ll make a great spectator map.

About those areas- I can definitely make them look out of bounds. That whole area has actually changed a lot over time: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/538305/ss/bridgechanges.png

Pictured there are, from top to bottom, a2, a5, a6 and b1.

Quoted from JimmyBreeze

Looks really interesting, Mangy. Will happily make this map of the month on the ladder if you like and hopefully teams will pcw it as well and give you useful feedback.

The ladder is a great way to give new maps a shot!
+1 for the idea

I for one think the CTF-gamemod has lots of potential in TF2. CTF maps haven’t pulled it of yet. Will defiantly take a look on Wildfire

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