what nvc wants, nvc should get - maps with dark/evening/night sky
Created 26th January 2010 @ 14:36
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i beleive every current map used in etf2l should be converted to have the same sky as in ctf_doublecross
i love the lighting and visability (especially my crosshair).
Dare i say it, that cp_obscure byte has done would look epic with night sky.
Quoted from nvc
Dare i say it, that cp_obscure byte has done would look epic with night sky.
do you have some speciall rights or something?
Quoted from Defur
do you have some speciall rights or something?
No but i remember when people created cp_pro_granary without gates.. So i’m sure there are no rights (:
Should be pretty easy to switch the skyboxes, grab some bored mapper to do it for you.
Quoted from klu
Should be pretty easy to switch the skyboxes, grab some bored mapper to do it for you.
Yeh hopefully someone would be up for the task of doing atleast just granary. I’d run it on my server for sure.
Would be better if Valve just gave crosshairs 2 colours or an outline :D
Quoted from Admirable
Would be better if Valve just gave crosshairs 2 colours or an outline :D
An outline to my Dot would be awesome.
My plus has an outline but it dissapears when i make it small.
All they need to do is add the ability to make a dual layered crosshair, i don’t know why someone hasn’t requested the ability to have 2 xhairs.
Yeah you should just be able to upload a .bmp with alpha background for your crosshairs tbh…
Atleast valve should add some kind of border mechanism… I’d love a black border around my green dot crosshair :<
Quoted from GibbZ
Yeah you should just be able to upload a .bmp with alpha background for your crosshairs tbh…
Atleast valve should add some kind of border mechanism… I’d love a black border around my green dot crosshair :<
The way it works in quake is if you want a custom crosshair, you add it to the custom hud.. i bet you could do that with tf2 surely?
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