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ctf_sandvichcredit (Invade CTF)

Created 16th January 2010 @ 05:07

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Name pending. Here is mah map :I

There is 1 neutral flag in the middle, and you must plant it at enemy base. From feedback i’ve gotten from pugs and 24 player pubs, everyone seems to enjoy it :D

If you play it remember to set it so that it runs on a timer rather that first to cap 3. When the 20 minute timer is up the general score for the winning team is 12-17. Caps seem to be in bursts, like 1 team will get 2-4 caps and then the other team gets control over mid and does the same



Last edited by supersandvich,



It sounds like it’d always end with one team spawn camping the other while a scout runs back and forth capping it.



Never played it so i can’t comment on the playstyle, but from screenshots of middle, it looks like the most valvey middle i’ve seen from a community map – i really liked the look of that middle. Not busy and cluttered like most others, not designed specifically to give every main class a chance and as such fractured like some others, and not heavily imbalanced as to make it a nonstarter.

That’s all from looking at a screenshot of course.

So if the playstyle ends up crap, i sense a convertion to cp is in order!

Last edited by vlad_drac,



i played it last night in a lobby with sandvich and flame, its fucking awsome

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