The perfect CTFmap?
Created 11th January 2010 @ 09:53
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k, thank you guys…and what would you prefer:
A farm map which is opn with some farm bildings and so or a underground-like map a secret base and so… or mix between then?
And…do you think it would be good if the intel is behind the enemy spawn/or under? Like you go in the enemy base from outside, then take one of 3/4 routes (one near the spawn/over/underground path and 1 or 2 alternative routes), and go behinde the enemy spawn to get in the uber-secret-farm-world-destroying-base and cap the intel? So you basically have 2 (or 3?!) chokepoints.
Or is that a no-do (the thing above —^)?
A farm map which is opn with some farm bildings and so or a underground-like map a secret base and so… or mix between then?
A complete undergound map would have some disadvantages. Rocketjumping is annoying if you have low roofs and it’s harder to incorporate height advantages. So go for open or a mix between them.
And…do you think it would be good if the intel is behind the enemy spawn/or under?
I wouldn’t place the intel to far behind the spawn. It would produce the same problems 2fort has. Respawning enemies could take down the flag carrier. So it would force teams to go spawncamping.
So the intel should be in a place like turbine?
Turbine is a good example. Mach2 also works. Just stay away from putting the intel far behind the spawn.
Last edited by RaCio,
So the intel should be in a place like turbine?
I think Doublecross is a better example of good intel placement. 3 routes, 1 directly past the spawndoor, 1 close enough for the defenders to run out and try and block it immediately and 1 that’s off to the edge without being too far from the spawn.
If mach4 looked like a TF2 map and not some Quake Fortress map it’d be fine.
my eyez
I think the perfect CTF map to avoid turtle-matches and get more action into the TF2-CTF rotations would be to make it work like every other good competative CTF game (Quake/UT) and require your own flag to be at your base in order to capture it, and to give the opposing team the ability to retake their intel if dropped, but I guess that won’t work with the current way the intel works.
But to throw in some ideas, I think that there’s alot of Unreal Tournament maps that could make for awesome CTF maps in TF2. Orbital and November being perfect examples, so they might be worth looking into tbh.
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