Forum + Novint present: Competetive CTF Major Contest #4
Created 10th January 2010 @ 11:00
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Competetive CTF Major Contest #4
Time for another contest! We’re taking a look at something new that no one has tried before: competitive CTF. We’re not setting up too many rules for how you do it, get creative! Maps have to be flag based and work. You have four months to show us what you can do. The contest will end on Friday May 8th at 04:00am (04:00) UTC. (Check for your timezone )
Map must be a CTF map
MAP WILL BE SCORED ON TOTAL FLAG CAPS PER TIME – NOT FIRST TO NUMBER OF CAPS. Remember this when designing your layouts. This is a design reminder. This functionality is handled server-side and is set up for competitive matches beforehand.
No multi-stage maps (this isn’t the last contest!)
Custom content is allowed, All publicly released content will not count towards collaboration, more than ‘a few’ from a single modeler specifically for your map will, the first ‘few’ wont be.
Collaborations are not allowed in any form. Aside from the fact that splitting prizes would be a nightmare, it also presents a significant disadvantage for everyone who works alone.
Must be able to spawn 32 players (16 per team spawnroom)
Map must include this content: At least 4 posters or models for the Novint sponsor in clear sight (i.e. gameplay areas, not the spawn room) and any 1 of the fine TF2M posters. I realize there are only 4 Novint items right now and you might feel a little limited. More will be available in the near future. If you wish to make your own, please send me (YM) a PM so I can confirm them. All the premade content you need can be found here
TF2M staff are allowed to win, but the contest judges are not.
Maps in early alpha that qualify with the above rules as of this post might be allowed entry- talk to me (YM) for approval
Here’s some basic guiding principles for your map:
Your map should be fast paced (that’s the big one!)
Complexity doesn’t make it better
Have good open ground for fighting
Use vertical elements for additional interest
Make sure navigation is easy
Consider keeping it small and more focused
Strategy is core to team gameplay- offer strategic choices
Comp teams doesn’t have to mean pro teams, anyone can play competatively
“Mapping for a competitive audience” on
Competitive teams don’t want any surprises. Easy navigation, fast action, strategic (albeit very quick) pathway decisions. This is obviously a farcry from what most of us are used to. But we collectively represent the very best custom-content makers in TF2. So if anyone can make this work, it’s us.
Judgement Procedure
Eligibility: Maps will be checked and disqualified when the contest submission deadline ends if they do not meet the rules.
Judging Categories Note: We will be hosting new Gamedays specifically for 6v6 play.
Gameplay – how well the map plays, map flow, etc. How well it plays out competitively.
Class Involvement – how well classes assume their roles, how the map offers opportunities for each class
Style – how well the map fits into TF2. Detailing, architecture, geometry, etc.
Optimization – how well the map is optimized. Framerate, filesize, etc.
First component – Popular Vote
One thread will be made where votes will be posted to. The first post will contain a template vote which voters will copy and paste as their reply, changing the numbers to reflect their opinions.
In this thread, voters will have the opportunity to grade each map for all categories, from 1-7, as well as giving a short summary if they wish. (Allows for two grades above and below average as well as one for “simply unbelievable” and “utterly abysmal” which you should think long and hard before awarding!)
The results of each vote, after the judging time is over, will be calculated together to get an average rating for each map.
Users MAY NOT grade their own maps.
The goal of the popular vote is to get an overall rating for each map based on everyone’s impression of how fun it is. It prevents judges’ votes from counting too much, and makes sure the winners are indicative of our entire community’s feelings.
Second component- Judges’ votes
There will be a panel of judges. For the first time ever we’re getting rid of the idea of “default judges” like myself and the other moderators. Instead we’re posing an open application for anyone who feels they have the expertise to provide a higher-than-standard level of feedback. If you would like to be considered to become a judge please send a PM to me (YM) with a statement about what you feel qualifies you before the end of April. Once the site staff have decided on whether or not to accept your application you’ll be contacted and will gain access to a new judges-only forum when signed in.
Judges’ own entries will be disqualified from winning; they will receive marks but will not be eligible to place in the final rankings. Judges may review their own maps but their rating will not be calculated into the map’s total score.
Judges will playtest each map considerably on their own, via the server or private servers.
Each of the 4 categories is worth 25%.
Each judge will rank each category on a scale of 1-7 and include a write-up of their decision making process per map. The judges’ ratings will be averaged for each map. Each step of this process will be publicized.
The goal of the judges’ vote is to get a professional look at each map, with a high degree of scrutiny that the mapmakers can use to improve their skills in the future. It prevents a tyranny of the majority, wherein people vote on maps in a popularity contest, thus making the rankings fairer.
The judges’ average ratings will be multiplied by a factor of .5, and the popular average ratings by a factor of .5. This means a 50%-50% split. They will be added together to achieve the maps’ final ratings.
The maps’ ratings will be published, the ineligible maps (like the judges’) removed, and then the final rankings posted. The final rankings will determine the winners.
The entire formula for a map’s rating is such:
((Voter’s category scorings added up)/7)/(Number of votes) * .5 + ((Judges’ category scorings added up)/7)/(Number of judges) *.5 = Final ranking. This formula will be published with all variables so that we all know it was a fair contest.
Submission Procedure
This time once the submission thread is up and the deadline set you will have until that deadline to the second with no exceptions. Once the deadline has passed there will be a short period (<1 week) where we will accept updates for game breaking problems such as the numerous crashes we had last time. We WILL NOT allow any changes other than directly fixing whatever issue that arises, resubmitted maps will be checked and any that contain changes unrelated to the issue in question will be disqualified. After that time period no more changes will be accepted.
Prize allocation is yet to be formalized. However, expect the usual array of awesome goodies. (The prize system will be published in a few days time, be assured that it will not be a pool system like last time)
Last edited by tarmo-,
i like that. a lot of (at least i hope so) ctf maps will come up and tf2 will finally also play ctf and not only cp. (i dont count turbine as the big ctf in tf2, since its the only ctf map).
i guess i could nag on robbaz to get som of the maps in the scandi pug :)
i hope a good ctf map for 6v6 comes out of this :)
i guess i could nag on robbaz to get som of the maps in the scandi pug :)
youre making it sound like you have some sort of power
nice anyways, I always loved these maping contests
Great stuff. Just wished that the contest was held earlier so that we would have a viable ctf map before season 7.
Quoted from tragett
i guess i could nag on robbaz to get som of the maps in the scandi pug :)
Please do that! The maps need as much playtesting as possible, the more the better. There isn’t really an overflow of competive testing available at the moment.
Quoted from Grem
Great stuff. Just wished that the contest was held earlier so that we would have a viable ctf map before season 7.
It take time to make a map. The last contest ended around december last year, so this is a quite quick start, for how big a project it is to make a polished map.
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