CTF Done Right
Created 29th December 2009 @ 18:13
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really interesting
Turtling may be possible- that’s why I need more playtesting (demosdemosdemos)! From what I’ve played, you don’t end up having those situations because both teams take the incentive to hunt down the carrier. So you’ll have the scouts drop the intel back at base and the combo pick it up, taking the demo to go kill the other carrier, or you’ll have the scout with the intel run through the base constantly and have the combo push in to reach the other intel.
Remember the hud makes it so both teams constantly know where the enemy’s and their own intel is; you can hunt people down using the HUD arrows cleverly.
Looks nice. Definately will have a look at it. :)
p.s. aren’t you the guy who spent 2 days slagging off obscure on gotfrag? :P
If you ever played world of warcraft and went into a premade vs. premade warsong gulch, you’ll know what i mean.
Why risk losing your own intel? Better to let the enemy attack you and die then you can take theirs easier (and both teams are thinking this). Happens a lot in warsong gulch and this map is basically the same principle.
Oh also that touch return idea.. imagine a situation where both teams have the intel, a spy gets the flag carrier in the back and automatically touches it, intel gone.
Haven’t played so can’t comment, but sounds very good, could make ctf far more interesting
Played this once on a finnish pickup, and it felt something I WANT MORE.
Way more intense than turbine or 2fort, possibly to the point of being chaotic, but that needs more testing and most certainly it was a lot more fun than those two other ctf maps even though I didn’t fully understand the gameplay until the pickup was nearing its end. :)
To make this somewhat constructive..
My only concerns at this moment are that its quite tight until you reach the midzone. When you’re there its so open and you’re vulnerable to flanking from about every direction. And snipers. Good ones will HURT your chances of pushing middle a lot. Just needs more time until I can tell if these are true issues or not.
Last edited by Zipok,
Played this once on a finnish pickup, and it felt something I WANT MORE.
Way more intense than turbine or 2fort, possibly to the point of being chaotic, but that needs more testing and most certainly it was a lot more fun than those two other ctf maps even though I didn’t fully understand the gameplay until the pickup was nearing its end. :)
To make this somewhat constructive..
My only concerns at this moment are that its quite tight until you reach the midzone. When you’re there its so open and you’re vulnerable to flanking from about every direction. And snipers. Good ones will HURT your chances of pushing middle a lot. Just needs more time until I can tell if these are true issues or not.
Good feedback! I’ve considered blocking off the battlement sniper spot somewhat, among other things. One of the design issue I tried to stick to, is that when you’re inside it’s never for long: just enough to choke it up a bit, hence the courtyards forming the main of each base. Chaotic it may be, but perhaps it’ll tighten up once teams learn it?
Anyway, thanks for playing :)
Chaotic it may be, but perhaps it’ll tighten up once teams learn it?
That is something I expect to happen as well once the safer spots are more known. Everyone was just charging in, not securing the flanks and not knowing the best medic positions and so on. :)
Yesterday I didn’t have a proper time to look at the layout before playing, but now I did and some of the things I had on mind recently were swept aside as I checked it more thoroughly. Now it remains to be seen whether the issue indeed was the lack of teamwork, or whether it was the layout (which I doubt but can’t yet say.)
One-day cup on this map would be just the thing this needs. I’d persuade my teammates to play in it if needed. :) ETF2L admins?
Last edited by Zipok,
If you ever played world of warcraft and went into a premade vs. premade warsong gulch, you’ll know what i mean.
Why risk losing your own intel? Better to let the enemy attack you and die then you can take theirs easier (and both teams are thinking this). Happens a lot in warsong gulch and this map is basically the same principle.
Oh also that touch return idea.. imagine a situation where both teams have the intel, a spy gets the flag carrier in the back and automatically touches it, intel gone.
WSG has no teamwork, not even premades. Teams turtle on the last at their spawn on badlands, to defend a 2 second cap. People can uber in and clean up a team, so turtling is not as easy as everyone thinks.
As long as this map has varied directions to any certain point then flanking with an uber should not be hard.
Last edited by David,
Well, a one-day cup would be incredible and help people enjoy CTF, but I don’t have the kind of hooks in the european community to pull that off :)
So in the meantime, if you did like the map, just tell other teams about it, or scrim on it/practice if you get the chance. I’d like it to become popular so that others attempt such CTF maps – my layout isn’t necessarily perfect for the gametype.
WSG has no teamwork, not even premades.
That’s a bold statement. Untrue as well, you’ve not played in any good pvp guild premades. Also CP maps are completely different from a ctf style and so the turtling as explained here can’t be compared to it.
WSG has no teamwork, not even premades.
That’s a bold statement. Untrue as well, you’ve not played in any good pvp guild premades. Also CP maps are completely different from a ctf style and so the turtling as explained here can’t be compared to it.
2v2 arena ftw gentlmen
Bump for b4. Changelist:
Exploits eliminated associated with being trapped in capture zones
Sniper sightline in middle cut down
Small aesthetic changes
Various playerclipping issues resolved
Overpowered position near capture zone lowered
Cart speed multiplied by 1.25x
Other various changes
DL updated in first post.
Just played b3 on our public server and everyone loved it once they understood how the capping works, really looking forward to playing this as a 6 vs 6 map since it rocks!
Cool map, I like the idea of it.
Have anyone played it in a 6v6 yet?
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