Control point detailing contest at
Created 24th November 2009 @ 20:31
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Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to construct the finest looking control point in just 2048 by 2048 units (Hammer grid, unlimited height)!
2048×2048 size. No height limit
No 3D skybox allowed
You may construct any of the conventional control point types, A/D, 5cp mid/2nd/last, TC, Payload, etc (No A/D ctf points or custom CP twists as those do not fall under “conventional” ie. established by Valve).
Must submit one screenshot and a .BSP.
Custom content is allowed, but only made entirely by yourself using your own resources or Valve’s content.
Maximum of two entry.
You may not rip any other map (Valve, custom, or even your own) this should be original.
Nothing has to be functional at all, this is purely detailing practice.
Your submission MUST follow this naming convention: cpoint_.bsp (If you’re forum name is stupidly long, compromise on your name, not the prefix. eg. cpoint_vfig.bsp for Velvet Fist Iron Glove’s entry)
Everything must be finished and submitted in the upload thread before 20:00 UCT (GMT) on Monday 21st December 2009!
In your submission (in the submission thread, Will be posted at a later date):
A link to your .bsp in one compressed (.zip) achive. Use the contest area, dropbox ( ) or another upload service, but nothing that has a queue to download.
Please make sure ALL content is pakrat’d into your BSPs, but remember that you must be the author of all content submitted.
You should provide only one screenshot of your map, taken at the best gfx quality your pc can handle, no HUD elements or player models either. For more infomation on how to do this, click this
Contest Prizes:
Winner gets both of, and the first runner up gets a choice of a pack of TF2 Trading cards or a TF2 Keychain, as well as the respect from your fellow members!
Any questions? Ask away at !
Good luck all.
Last edited by tarmo-,
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