Created 13th November 2009 @ 14:33
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Titan has six Control Points. Both teams start with 3 Control Points. There is no neutral CP. All control points have to be taken step by step.
Intro Video
Promotional Poster
Forward Base (1st CP Blue Side)
Shack (2nd CP Blue Side)
Rocket (3rd CP Blue Side)
Overhead View
Ultimately decommissioned in 2006, the Titan family of rockets were considered too expensive and too finicky compared to alternative rocketry technology to be used in mainstream space exploration. Fortune favors a thrifty shopper however, and as the Titan I was phased out for its successor, RED and BLU both scrambled to snatch up the memoirs of the past decade of expendable rocketry. Seeing an exploitable opening, both groups feverishly worked on retrofitting the technology into their own plans of world domination, and though the aforementioned fortune can be kind, it can also maintain a sense of irony – for now both RED and BLU have each other in the crosshairs, rockets pointed squarely at each other.
With three control points per side, controlling the forward base that oversees the transportation of rocketry parts is only the first step. You’ll need to then capture their storage shack which houses technological marvels from decades past, as well as their fuel reserves. Finally, you’re ready to strike at your final goal – the control point directly behind the rocket in their control room terminus. Sabotaging their rocket will assure victory for your side, as well as assuring their carefully laid plans (as well as their base) goes up in an explosion of steel and fire!
Amongst the lingering smell of Dinitrogen Tetroxide and Hydrazine, Balistic Logistics United and Rocket Exploration Division are now locked in an ever-increasing battle of wills, fingers poised over the launch buttons, and only the cooperation of their respective team to assure victory over the other side.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to blow up a rocket. Guns and ammo work just as well.
Last edited by Zenny,
i like the idea with 6cps, havent seen many proper maps using this kind of gamemode, should be gun testing on some pickup :)
Interesting idea and I really want to try it, but I’m wondering if this isn’t too big for 6v6?
Interesting idea and I really want to try it, but I’m wondering if this isn’t too big for 6v6?
I posted on the tf2maps thread very early on with my concerns, but I still haven’t tried it. It could give more of a chance to classes like heavy or engineer though, which is good.
Interesting idea and I really want to try it, but I’m wondering if this isn’t too big for 6v6?
Good, good, I like. :D
btw what’s a furry?
On topic: Interesting idea, hopefully it plays well.
Should not be beta if it’s just finished being built. Should be in alpha.
The map has already been through alpha stages and is now in the beta stage since major game play elements with the map are finished and the logic is working. All that’s really left are some minor tweaks here and there, as well as some more detailing and this map should be finished up for release. The map has received some play testing but not any with competitive players or teams up to this point which is why I’m pushing hard on the forums for server admins to add this map to their rotations.
Did you actually spend more time writing the storyline than actually making the map because your promo pic makes it look like you did.
yeah, i think less text on the promo pic would be better :/
Quoted from Arnold
Did you actually spend more time writing the storyline than actually making the map because your promo pic makes it look like you did.
Quoted from Taoism
yeah, i think less text on the promo pic would be better :/
I’ve taken what you guys said into consideration and adjusted the promo pic appropriately to better show off the map instead of the text/story. Thanks for the great advice! So what did you guys think about the actual map/layout/etc.? Any good feedback?
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