Created 1st November 2009 @ 05:15
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From the creater of PL_OUTBACK (S.W.A.T.Y) comes his next great map cp_reelfoot. Reelfoot is a 5CP map just like Badlands, Well, and Granary. Reelfoot is based on a lake in Kentucky
Change Log from B4 to RC1
-Fixed most of the clipping issues.
-Added more ammo.
-Removed the custom rain and added sawmill’s rain.
-Increased the ceiling in middle.
-Added a platfrom in the middle and a small health kit on top of it.
-Added another route from 2nd point to middle point from above.
-Fixed some places where you could build on props.
-Fixed some places where you could get stuck on the trees.
-Closed some of the doors at the last point.
-Improved fps at 2nd/1st point.
Last edited by sswaty,
I downloaded it and put it on our server but i couldn’t load it and when i tried to play it in my own local server it crashed my game, anyone know how to fix it, I’d really like to give it a go it looks awesome.
I downloaded it and put it on our server but i couldn’t load it and when i tried to play it in my own local server it crashed my game, anyone know how to fix it, I’d really like to give it a go it looks awesome.
just tried it in my local server – worked fine for me.
Overall, visually I think its amazing, not like any other map. Would like to try a match on it :)
i’ll just try downloading again i guess
Visually, the best custom map. One of THE best maps I’ve seen tbh.
A few problems – the stairs at mid don’t really work as stairs. Also, it seems mid is very “whoever gets their first wins” based. I’m not sure, would be interested to see it tested in a pcw.
Really liked it:D
Looks cool, i wanna play it in a pcw though :)
There seems to be quite a lot of useless stuff in the map (gameplaywise), like the water.
I’ll post some screens when I can get on my desktop.
I haven’t really played it, only tried it in a local server, so they might actually be useful in a real game.
The visuals are without a doubt fantastic, fps were good as well.
Im doing some changes as I work in b4, for example the spawn after capping the 3rd point is too close to the 4th point which makes it hard for the defending team to defend.
Beta 4 is out with some huge changes!
Change Log from B3 to b4
-Changed the health kit in mid from small to medium.
-Fixed a few props floating.
-Fixed the stairs in the mid.
-Changed the location of the 2nd forward spawn.
-Added another route from last point to 2nd point.
-Improved fps using occluders.
-Added a bridge at the second point to add more height variation.
-Changed the health kit size from medium to small at second point.
-Added more signs on the wall.
-Increased the ceiling.
-Moved back the ressuply cabinets.
-Added small hp/ammo at last in the new route.
-Added another route for the underwater route.
Nice :)
I have fixed the bug with the rain in this version so it shouldn’t bug the particles on the nextmap.
Download the map
Change Log from B4 to RC1
-Fixed most of the clipping issues.
-Added more ammo.
-Removed the custom rain and added sawmill’s rain.
-Increased the ceiling in middle.
-Added a platfrom in the middle and a small health kit on top of it.
-Added another route from 2nd point to middle point from above.
-Fixed some places where you could build on props.
-Fixed some places where you could get stuck on the trees.
-Closed some of the doors at the last point.
-Improved fps at 2nd/1st point.
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