Created 28th October 2009 @ 16:32
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This is my first map, I have ever designed. Cp_gulch is not done yet.Basic layout is done! It is played like cp_gravelpit (best map :))
Cap A attacker’s point of view
Cap A
Cap B attacker’s point of view
Final Cap C
Just wanna get some feedback about the layout and need some help with the respawn times. Not sure how exactly it works.
hope you like the first pics.
Last edited by RaCio,
Looks nice, there’s a lack of good offence defence maps so it will be great if this one works out.
Btw, don’t forget the /b tags next time ;)
Last edited by RaCio,
thx racio, I will keep it in mind :P
and thx for the first feedback, ill try to get a playable version within the next week so there can be some playtesting. Then I know how to change the map :)
I think the big picture of the zones look fine. Only things that bug me are the scale, and point A.
CP A just overall feels like it has no real purpose other than just being a must-have “the other point before C”, perhaps some structures or terrain elevation changes between the pillars would help? And the scale.. long distances, large open areas, those will cause the map to be too sniper friendly, and punish the less mobile classes, which usually reduces the amount of viable strategies. And large zones are usually easier to defend as well.
This is just my first gaze feelings about the shots, but anyways I recommend you to do a couple more versions, shrink the area, make it more compact, perhaps just add more terrain and buildings to the current areas. Experiment now when you haven’t done a lot of detailwork, you’ll thank yourself later.
P.S. The scale is never correct with first attempts. :)
P.P.S. Point B gave me the feeling that I’d like to try that out after it has made a little more compact. Which is a good thing!
Last edited by Zipok,
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