Created 5th October 2009 @ 20:17
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Thanks to:
and Springer again
You forgotten Springer!
Perfect for Extremer
awesome map. the jumps arent that hard to do with some practise. 2 basics jumps one from lower ground and one from the hill, just train a bit and u will get them fast then its rly fun to play this map!
Looks awesome! Just putting it on my home dedi server atm, gonna check it out with some people later.
Argh, the grain of the wood frustrates me!
But it looks great, maybe I’ll persuade some people to use this instead of Turris…
Really nice concept. You get used to the hoops after a while, so people complaining about that will eventually adapt to it (spoiled by easy bball and turris jumps :P).
A bug I’ve found while practising getting in the hoop is if you get on the top hoop, you can pretty reliably airstrafe into the middle with practise. Seems like this was unintentional, so I just thought I’d point it out. I’ve also noticed I occasionally land on the bottom hoop but it doesn’t seem to score. This might just be lag though.
scoring probably is lag or some bug in the game but i’m guessing lag is the problem.
about the airstrafing, i have tried to make it impossible but i can’t really fix it, you won’t get refill when you are up there and most of the time it’s easier to just drop down and jump again but i guess it’s something you’ll have to live with.
about the airstrafing, i have tried to make it impossible but i can’t really fix it, you won’t get refill when you are up there and most of the time it’s easier to just drop down and jump again but i guess it’s something you’ll have to live with.
How about making the invisible disk at the top ever so slightly larger?
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