Created 5th October 2009 @ 20:17
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Ok, this one has just been gathering dust for way too long.
It’s a mix of turris and bball.
-Ground level gives you resupply.
-To score jump in between the rings on the enemies side.
-There are no walls because nobody likes to be dicked by a wallspamming whores, you get some rings which you can use to walljump instead.
-The whole level is circular so you don’t get stuck in a corner
-Spawncamping is neigh impossible
-The spire is a stumped cone so you can’t hide like a little girl waiting for your resupply
-Allows 2v2 and 1v1 fights
Thanks to:
and Springer again
Last edited by Arnold,
great map, really fun to play, we are still on it :D
The cap is extremely awkward to get, and we didnt find much point for the spire (easier to get it from the ground level) but i guess thats what makes the map special :D
Nice work Arnold!
Spire wasn’t meant to be useful to score in the first place, moreso to block your way directly to the enemies goal and give height advantage and overview for whoever is on top of it.
Glad to hear you like it :)
Spire wasn’t meant to be useful to score in the first place, moreso to block your way directly to the enemies goal and give height advantage and overview for whoever is on top of it.
Yeh we see that now, very helpful, also when deathmatching to give height advantage :D
the upper ring is so annoying because I therefore (nearly) never score
but I guess this was planned :/
(played 1vs1)
Last edited by cheee,
played it with some guys, really great map but the spawns are a bit.. well, I played 2vs2 so 1 guy caped / jumped to the basket and the other just covered him.. when some1 cap and some1 spawnkills to cover him the other team can’t really do much cuz they get knocked away from the guy who’s covering the other guy… :D sorry if I confused you, but if you did understand what I said, I’d like you to fix the spawns.. :p
other than that, great map.
do you really think i haven’t tried it with “normal” baskets?
it looks like there are only 2 ways to score, so it’s fail because both of them are hard / with some practice you’ll defend it 24/7
anyway, any servers got that map and are public yet?
(about the spawncamping) well that problem also occurs on bball, i don’t think i can fix that in any way. try not to stay in the spawn spots themselves and you’ll be fine since you get resup as soon as you touch the ground.
cheetah the rings are awkward at first but seeing high level soldiers have no problem in scoring in 2 jumps straight from spawn it needed to have a higher skill ceiling. Also since the resupply is constant people will jump a lot, meaning if it was easy it would be non-stop scoring points.
it has been tested with normal baskets it doesn’t work (it was indeed a constant scoring of points)
Last edited by Arnold,
I like the idea of an arena and the hill in the middle is nice,
and maybe someday I will get used to the jumps :)
thx for another map (even I like gully more)
just make the space between the 2 rings bigger :D for people who get trouble with it :)
anyone want to test it right now?
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