How would you improve Freight?
Created 24th September 2009 @ 15:12
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the difference for cp3 of final or “normal” is so small that I never had the feeling it plays different -> so I dont care
I like the final more because of the better separation between the entrances/ exits between cp2 and cp3 which makes it easier to attack
and that you cant go into the first respawn which is more annoying than FaN :P
About spawntimes, did someone really had only 5 sec as attacker when your team had 4 points? I used to have more than 10, what planet with higher gravity and therefore slower clocks you live on?
Sorry, cancel that, nah I remember that you can retake 2nd cp, it might be more challening than on granary or badlands, but I think its easier than on well or fastlane.
The crying about maze or something is mostly because they are used to play “normal” or b3 and final is new for them and would need some adaptations to their playstyle
freight is a better well, freight_final is the best freight atm
Last edited by cheee,
Fix the fps issues.
Tweak respawn timer or move 4th spawn to middle as Anderson suggests.
I agree with che, freight_final is by far the best version released to date.
Every change made is an improvement over the previous incarnations.
I concede that the changes at CP2/4 are confusing at first, but they undoubtedly create a much more diverse environment for attacking and defending.
I think some people are thrown by the fact that it looks more like an Escher painting than a functional building.
ahahahaha escher painting that’s exactly what I thought I was in when I first played final
the map is gay as hell for scout. not enough routes to attack/flank, low ceilings, attacking last is like punching a brick wall. and remove the fucken doors
Fix that fuckin door bug at the last point.Oh and remove the trains,maybe leave the flat ones
Last edited by alfa,
Door bug is easy enough to fix, put a blockbullets brush inside the top of the doorframe.
Definately increase attacking spawn times on last, retaking 2nd can be a pain.
Last edited by Randdalf,
Byte has spoken, only 10% of ‘our’ suggestions will be useful, I will therefore stop suggesting anything else and go kill myself
obviously bytes suggestions are going to be useful though ;P
Move the most forward spawn location (if you capped CP4) to the buildings at middle (i think there is garage doors there already). This would give the defending team a chance to retake CP4 and would also increase the spawn time of the attacking team, which would mean you wouldnt have to play around with the spawn times.
very good point +1 could make a big difference to the map. no team should be spawning almost inside the cap they are attacking from. only the defending team should ever have this advantage.
i dont agree with all the ppl saying remove big trains. some of the most exiting play i have seen has been when teams use the trains to their advantage. or at least to the enemies disadvantage. teams just need to have their ubers ready for them :P it makes the mid point allot different and i like it. mid point is nice to play as it is… just like mentioned. fps is an issue.
would like to see an easier push route into 4th from last. as only one route in there that is quick. and it is useless for scouts.
what i would like to see is a staircase instead of the massive hole in the floor by the sniper room on last. connecting the lower garage and upper sniper room.
Extend the sniper room out sideways over the top of the garage door, with a couple of big open windows.
that will make it a more viable attacking and defending position to the currently very cramped room. and might mean that not every single attack is as predictable as an uber through the forward ramp door.
Make the middle buildings roofs reachable and remove the water paths (just those in middle point area)! I quite like the Fragga’s idea.
I like Anderson’ idea to change the spawn position when you hold cp4 too.
Make the way from cp4 to cp5 more “scoutable” like many said. Actually you can’t do anything on last cp with “light” classes, the only way to do something different is to use the sniper on top/left door (and he dies in 5 secs from when they spotted him). Also capping cp2 when you’ve defended first cp is actually too hard and most of times enemies are already spawned when you start to cap it.
I don’t care about trains, i like them like they are but i see many players asking to remove the higher ones. That isn’t a problem for me anyway.
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