How would you improve Freight?
Created 24th September 2009 @ 15:12
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delete it.
You should only use that short train from cp_well with its fast speed. Those long ones are just too random and often destroy pushes that would have deserved a victory.
My suggestion: Long trains for public servers for the lulz, and a pro_freight with the short one :)
Last edited by JimmyB,
You should only use that short train from cp_well with its fast speed. Those long ones are just too random and often destroy pushes that would have deserved a victory.
just use flat trains. they wont destroy any pushes.
one case: your medic gets killed by a killer speed train on your last and the round is lost for you? mind: there are 2 fast trains that could actually come from both sides. i dont liek that idea
and yeah: do something about the respawn times on last.
Also following along with the airshot theme (hehe) make a small ledge high up on the back wall at final point with a small health pack on it, so that the demoman can sticky jump all the way there if there isn’t a sentry. This serves a dual purpose, one being the airshots or potential thereof, and two that of spliting up the attacking force and reducing the spam fest.
delete it.
I just clicked the link and that was the first thing I read. I lol’d
I +1 fraggas idea of a balcony, however make it so that:
A) Soldiers can’t get it to it with a single jump (except from that ramp thing right at the back)
B) Put something in the way, so that they cannot sticky up spawn exits.
Or alternatively:
rm ./cp_freight_final.bsp
mv ./cp_freight_b3.bsp ./cp_freight_final.bsp
Move the most forward spawn location (if you capped CP4) to the buildings at middle (i think there is garage doors there already). This would give the defending team a chance to retake CP4 and would also increase the spawn time of the attacking team, which would mean you wouldnt have to play around with the spawn times.
Spawn times while attacking last point need to be nerfed slightly, next to that I can honestly say I love the trains.. but make them all low trains.
Middle Point:
tbh middle point is just stay by the building charge your uber/kritz then run onto the point, watch the sides with scouts/solly and sniper down the middle, its not fast paced enough and gets boring after a few rounds. remove both buildings and create a building which you can use, say medium ammo kits. rest is fine tbh.
2nd Point:
im not much for the entrances (plus the pipe in the midde has been done before (well). i dont like the fact your going lower then going backup to final point. if you keep it on the same level (remove the slope and stairs) then make a better 1st floor.
Last Point:
tbh im not too fussed about last point it seems fine, however i do think that you can move it so its parallel to the rest of the map instead of having it on the right hand side. have a balcony on either side for scouts/snipers to enter from the top and keep everything as it is. make a beta to test and see what happens!
JB the amount of suggestions u will get from this thread is endless, about 10% will actually be useful/successful as everyone see’s the game differently.
If your on irc let me know which room and i’ll send you a pm and suggest some things.
The MAIN thing that i believe everyone who has played freight will suggest is some fps optimization, as on cp3 you lose way too much.
So a general fps increase is the #1 objective i’d say after that it’s based on what fishbus will agree with in terms of ideas/a change to a layout etc…
Thank u to both of u for putting effort into fixing it/speaking to the community.
Byte has spoken, only 10% of ‘our’ suggestions will be useful, I will therefore stop suggesting anything else and go kill myself
Remove the trains or only have the flat ones.
Fix so you can’t enter first forward spawn after you left it.
Longer attacking respawns. You can almost suicide rush last and be on time to defend 4th again.
Get back the old (not _final) 2nd/4th point, but make it slightly bigger (like gran 2nd/4th) and make an entrance bottom left to. Bigger so scouts can move a bit more, now it’s just a damage soaking contest. It’s very cramped.
Add some high ground to last point, like it is the case on granary and well. This makes the positioning more interesting and important. Now it’s just straight up DM.
Stop increasing spawn times when 4th is capped. Seen my respawn of 3s go to 12+ seconds, making it impossible to even try to defend last.
Last edited by Koeitje,
there is also a spot when u can shoot rockets and other shit throw wall. It is the top of door that is left side if u defending last.
Move the most forward spawn location (if you capped CP4) to the buildings at middle (i think there is garage doors there already). This would give the defending team a chance to retake CP4 and would also increase the spawn time of the attacking team, which would mean you wouldnt have to play around with the spawn times.
I’m in favour of this.
Also, put some “Hampshire Heavy Lifting Equipment”-posters on the map :p
Remove the trains or only have the flat ones.
Fix so you can’t enter first forward spawn after you left it.
Longer attacking respawns. You can almost suicide rush last and be on time to defend 4th again.
Get back the old (not _final) 2nd/4th point, but make it slightly bigger (like gran 2nd/4th) and make an entrance bottom left to. Bigger so scouts can move a bit more, now it’s just a damage soaking contest. It’s very cramped.
Add some high ground to last point, like it is the case on granary and well. This makes the positioning more interesting and important. Now it’s just straight up DM.
Stop increasing spawn times when 4th is capped. Seen my respawn of 3s go to 12+ seconds, making it impossible to even try to defend last.
I agree with all of this as well as the aforementioned FPS improvement.
Last edited by stko!,
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