How would you improve Freight?
Created 24th September 2009 @ 15:12
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Fishbus has asked me to make a thread about Freight and collect the best suggestions from the community. He knows that competitive players don’t use cp_freight_final, and he is interested in making an improved version with the feedback, perhaps ready for next season.
Just for the record, there is a test version of cp_pro_freight floating around, but that was not made by Fishbus himself. That version is the same as Freight final, but incorporates the sloped roofs on middle from _b3, you cannot enter the second spawn once you leave it (as in _final), the blast shield on CP1 (from _final), and fixes the shooting through the tops of the doors exploit on CP1 (which is banned in ETF2L rules).
Please note, this is not a thread to express your personal dislike for the map. It’s up to the admins whether or not it is part of the map pool. This thread is only about how we can make Freight better. Please give constructive responses and, where possible, an idea of how to fix any problems you see.
So, what would you like to see changed and why?
i just want my fps to stay stable :s
I think that given enough time I could learn to live with most of the changes on freight_final (except the minor bugs like the door on last that goes up into the entrance above it when it opens). The main problem I have with it is how difficult it is as the defending team to push out of last point back to second. The spawn times are far too quick for the attacking team, even though I imagine the distance they have to travel to get back into second is comparable to granary.
freight_final’s 2nd and 1st cp suck. 2nd is a total maze…
constant fps are important.
just take middle of freight_final and place it into “normal” freight… that is what i would like best.
I think it feels a bit too tight around the second cap. It needs a bit more open spaces there in my opionion.
One of the reason a map such as Badlands is so popular is that you have a lot of free space and options when you want to attack mid or spire for example.
If you are forced to walk in a narrow corridor there is not much use for your “movement skills” and therefore it becomes more boring.
Then I think the very large buildings on both sides of midcap are a bit boring. It is just two big walls which you cannot see through or jump over or jump on top of.
Maybe it could be a good idea to replace them with something a bit more interesting, like something you can jump on top of ?
Make middle point like it was in b3.
Fix so you can’t enter first forward spwan after you left it.
Remove the high trains, only use the low ones.
Slightly longer respawn times for attacking team.
Optimize the map for better fps
Make middle point like it was in b3.
Fix so you can’t enter first forward spwan after you left it.
Remove the high trains, only use the high ones.
Slightly longer respawn times for attacking team.
Optimize the map for better fps
Improve FPS.
Only have flat trains
Sort out the spawntimes on CP1, it’s ridiculous that attackers have 5 seconds and defenders have 20.
cp3 of _final sucks, thats one reason why nobodys playing it
How do you suggest fishbus could improve it?
Remove the option to re-enter the forward respawn, all this does is create a choke point outside 4th similar to that on cp_well.
Make the water entrance from 2nd (lobby) a entrance/exit rather than just an entrance, this will create three routes through this choke point.
But the main problem is final, currently all the ways into final have doors, doors do nothing but encourge right-click heros and negate the effectiveness of spies and snipers.
Also attacking final is always a frontal attack which renders scouts less effective, maybe include a water entrance/exit route at 4th (where the old health pack was, set it back into there) which leads to final (set back again behind the point) so an attack can be co-ordinated, rather than the current spam fest.
Edit: also middle point is an fps disaster, it’s just far too big – cutting down on the width and length would help this map greatly (and allowing the roof to be landed on like the others versions adds variety to an attack)
Last edited by Fragga,
Also, for a laugh add a beam connecting both those middle buildings together over the middle point and stick a medium health pack on it, nothing quite like airshots to spice up a dull game.
i know its hard to push for last point but lower the spawntimes for defending the last cp… sometimes the spawn times rise from only few seconds over 10 seconds when the 2nd cp is capped… no chance to hold then
there is a test version of cp_pro_freight floating around, but that was not made by Fishbus himself. That version is the same as Freight final, but incorporates the sloped roofs on middle from _b3, you cannot enter the second spawn once you leave it (as in _final), the blast shield on CP1 (from _final), and fixes the shooting through the tops of the doors exploit on CP1 (which is banned in ETF2L rules).
That with fixed respawn tims on last point and it would be alright already.
Also I think scouts are pretty useless on this map after the middle point. Make either 2nd or 1st point more open for Scouts to use their movement more efficiently (Fragga’s suggestions sound good to me). I’d personally suggest to make the 3rd point easier attackable by making scouts more useful there – this would also balance out with lower respawn times many people suggest.
Last edited by Rele,
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