Badlands could be better
Created 21st September 2009 @ 16:27
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Various places where the target doesn’t take any splash damage. Can be easily fixed with a clip brush AFAIK anything about mapping.
thx roquee for being my model<3
Last edited by compton,
Well you hardly EVER hit any of those spots… but it’s really annoying when you do, that’s true…
I think its not that important.
Don’t aim there then :P
:D i think the map is fine why else is it the most played map ?
Little stuff like this can be annoying, but it still happens rather rarely and isn’t enough to warrant some sort of pro version… pro_granary was justified though, as the gates weren’t much fun.
I think its not that important.
Don’t aim there then :P
Sure it doesn’t happen often, but consider this:
One rocket can make or break an entire round. Just think of chasing the enemy medic from far away and hitting a hole like that, medic takes 0hp damage, survives and rolls your team with the uber he just got :)
And even though you could say that a soldier should avoid shooting into those spots, it’s kinda like saying that you shouldn’t walk into parts of the map that you get stuck on. Sometimes it just happens. Plus, the holes are in different places for the teams, which isn’t a thing that a balanced map should have. But of course I understand from the safety smileys that you guys aren’t actually serious<3
And if you read my post title it says “badlands could be better” and not “badlands sucks because of this”. The same stuff might happen in fastlane too, but who gives a crap when the map sucks already :p Badlands is played so much that small flaws like this really start making some difference to the enjoyability of the map when you know it’s just one easy fix away.
It’s not like it’s hard to make a _pro version. It worked well with granary until Valve fixed it.
Last edited by compton,
I like it that you can shoot through the little gaps. And no damage on certain stair positions isn’t that bad. ;o
Well Granary got some fixes from the TF2 beta… maybe this is something those guys could suggest to Valve
omg splash damage solly doesnt hit shit wähwäh
meeh nothing wrong with the map imo, should just fix that annoyin splashdmg bug. Small trainrails can absorb all the damage :(
All of those glitches are very simply to do with the source engine, pretty simple and easily fixed.
But come on, lets be serious. NONE of those are genuine problems. The hassle of having every player in TF2 update to this map just for some tiny glitch that will annoy you maybe, every 3rd match you play? Is it really worth the bother?
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