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cp_indulge - NOW FINAL

Created 31st August 2009 @ 23:49

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Still looking for playtest feedback/demos/etc



Here’s a couple of demos from rc1: http://www.filedropper.com/indulge-rc1-demos


Thanks for the demos.



I have an updated version but the changes are somewhat minor (mostly just visual). Just looking for more stuff before I put that one out. Judging by this I’m pretty close to final, but I’d like to let a really late rc build hang out there for a while.


it looks awesome. this map should be tested by many clans asap!


[Map Update] cp_indulge_rc3

Indulge is still here and seeking playtests and feedback. RC3 has been released, updating the map with some visual and gameplay updates. Barring any significant gameplay shifts and feedback revelations, very little will change from RC3 to the upcoming final version. That still doesn’t mean I won’t listen to any feedback. Now’s your chance to see the map changed instead of a month after I’ve called it done.

Download/Screenshots: http://www.vilepickle.com/map/screens/tf2_cp_indulge

-Spytech rockets added behind the initial spawn
-CP1-2 Connector room streamlined visually
-1-2 Saw room connector now has a half-path option added connecting to the lower CP1 area. The exit to this is close to the current exit in terms of what can be seen and offers an alternative to a potentially spam-filled door that can currently be locked down too easy.
-Lowered saw damage slightly



Here are some glitches i found:

I don’t think you should be able to sit here: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/8247/cpindulgerc30000.jpg

I fail to see how those planks can support a heavy :P http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/6353/cpindulgerc30002.jpg

Noticed some clipping issues when walking up here, when u hold to the left. http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/7765/cpindulgerc30006.jpg

Maybe close this gap: http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/1108/cpindulgerc30008.jpg

It’s anoying that you can’t jump over these balconies: http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/7300/cpindulgerc30013.jpg
I dont think it would do any harm if you could sit on them.
And the proportions are kinda strange, as no class would fit there, and you wouldnt be able to open the door :P

Last edited by wer,


Thanks for the screens. I know the top one I’ll get squashed real quick (I thought everything was clipped up there).


I just played it once for 30mins on a mixed/pickup/invite-event and I have to say that I really liked it.

at status quo this map just has two major problems: the gameplay is pretty slow and as medic you have problems to keep up with your soldiers

Last edited by ouch,



it’s much time they added this map on the pickup channel but still have to see a single player voting it :/ (and still have to play it once)
sry nothing to say until it happens :)

Last edited by Daggial,


Final version comes out in 4 days, November 3rd. Still accepting feedback.



Reminds me of fastlane but much, much, more awesome.

Hope it gets put iinto pugs etc soon :)


[Map Release] cp_indulge FINAL 1.0

Finally final!

Indulge is a completely original, competitive-focused, Sawmill-themed 5CP map that also has the ability to be very fun on public servers. It does not stalemate as much as traditional 5CP maps on public servers, and uses height more than most 5CP maps. The map comes off the heels of my other 5CP map that has made it into many leagues. I consider Indulge to be a refinement of my experience on cp_follower, and playtesting has shown the map has a lot of variation and strategies. The development cycle was long, and there was plenty of time for anyone who wished to submit their feedback. I listened to everyone, even if they did present things that weren’t implemented.

Download/Screenshots: http://www.vilepickle.com/map/screens/tf2_cp_indulge

-Fixed clipping bug at CP2 at the top of a building
-Various lighting and detail tweaks
-Made lamp outside from CP2 to CP3 solid to stand on
-Made the CP1 route added in RC3 wider near the end
-Made the CP3 – CP4 left side route more visible with arrow
-Made health pack near CP2 more visible with decals
-Made CP2 ramps around the point into steps (still act as ramps, visual change only)
-Reduced saw “spinning” sound (it got a little annoying), the damaging sound is still full volume




anyone up for a game on it?


If anyone records a demo I’d be happy to watch even though I’ve released final.

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